Fear You is the second book in the Broken Love Series by Author B.B. Reid and the conclusion to Keiran and Lake's frivolous love affair. Book two gives us more understanding of Kerian's thinking and why he is the way he is. I love that we get dual POV...I love being in Keiran's head. We get more regarding his past, his past with Lily, and why he treated Lake the way he did.
Fear You picks up pretty much where book one left off. We follow Keiran and Lake through their final year of high school, where Lake is still trying to figure out Keiran and trying to fight her feelings for him. Keiran is torn between harassing Lake and protecting her. His obsession and addiction to her outweighs his need to stay away. He craves the domination over her because of his possessiveness toward her.
"I was as much her sexual prisoner as she was mine. Those would be the times I took her the hardest and unleashed my cruelty on her."
"When Keiran came back into my life he came with a vengeance."
Lake finally found courage and has a backbone in Fear You. She is no longer afraid of her tormentor. She wants answers and she's not afraid to demand them. She may not get all the answers, but that doesn't mean she stops demanding them. She stands up for herself and fights back...and that I absolutely loved.
There was a particular time in Fear You that I wanted to smack Lake, though. I was so mad at her. I think because we did have Keiran's POV, and with that, giving me a better understanding of his feelings and what his intentions were, I wanted to strangle her. I mean, I wanted to ring her neck...I was so frustrated. But in her defense, she was doing the right thing for what was happening around her. I know I'm probably confusing you, but the way it "looked" to her, she was in the right doing what she did. But, she was also out for revenge.
"You don't want to hear the truth. You want the fairytale. I want to ruin you."
Getting to know the man behind the mask of Keiran Masters, made me love him even more. I felt so guilty wanting more of Keiran. His actions were horrific at times and I was fighting within myself to keep reading. It felt so wrong but it felt so right too. I was struggling and conflicted with my emotions. I wanted to whip his ass and tell him to get over himself but then I wanted to hug his neck and kiss his face off. It was a roller coaster ride with my emotions. Up and down...up and down.
I loved the banter between Keiran and Lake. It made me crave more. My stomach was in knots and I was nervous most of the time, but that's what I crave and love the most about books. Bring on the angst...my favorite kind of reads.
This series has a story to tell and it's not rushed...it's not drug out...it's perfection. But, I must say, the first part of this book was a teeny tad slow for me, but I think that was just me. I was on such a high from book one that I was so ready... adrenaline was pumping and my heart was beating a mile a minute...
Book one will leave you with many questions but thank goodness that book two is out. Your questions will be answered in book two. ;)
It's really hard for me to write a review for Fear You and Fear Me without giving away spoilers and ruining this series for you. All I can say, is read both of these books. If you love dark reads an angst, then I definitely recommend reading both. This series is one that you will not forget. It's one of those that will linger in your mind from now on. I know it will for me anyway.
I promise that once you start reading, you will not want to put it down. I have the kindle app on my cell, so any chance I got, I was glued to my phone. That's how B.B. Reid held me prisoner for a couple of days. I wanted to be glued to my kindle. When I wasn't at home reading, I was on my cell reading every chance I got.
B.B. Reid is definitely on my radar now. I'm looking forward to future reads from this author. I'm super excited for the next book in this series... Fear Us, which will take us on a journey with Keenan and Sheldon, and hopefully the rest of the cast. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT!!! This series has fantastic supporting characters. I fell in love with Keenan and Sheldon. I'm super excited to read their story!!!
I give Fear You 5 Crazie Stars!!! ~Kim