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The Last Book in the New York Times Bestselling Dark Romance Series.
Where love tries to triumph and darkness continues to reign....
"I'm in love with her, but it might not be enough to stop her from becoming the latest victim of the Debt Inheritance. I know who I am now. I know what I must do. We will be together--I just hope it's on Earth rather than in heaven."
It all comes down to this.
Love versus life.
Debts versus death.
Who will win?
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Excerpt: Final Debt
Cut’s voice physically hurt me as he forced me to my knees. The ballroom splendour mocked me as I bowed unwillingly at the feet of my executioner.
Velvet and hand-stitched crewel on the walls glittered like the diamonds the Hawks smuggled—a direct contrast to the roughly sawn wood and crude craftsmanship of the guillotine dais. No finesse. No pride. Just a raised podium, framework cushioning a large tarnished blade, and a rope dangling to the side.
“Don’t do this. Cut…think about what you’ve become. You can stop this.” My voice mimicked a beg but I’d vowed not to beg. I’d seen things, understood things, and suffered things I never thought I would be able to endure. I refused to cry or grovel. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
“In five minutes, this will all be over, Weaver.” Cut bent to the side and collected a wicker basket.
The wicker basket.
I didn’t want to think about what its contents would be.
He placed it on the other side of the wooden block.
My lungs demanded more oxygen. My brain demanded more time. And my heart…it demanded more hope, more life, more love.
I’m not ready.
Not like this.
“No. No more talking. Not after everything you’ve done.” Ripping a black hood from his pocket, he didn’t hesitate. No fanfare. No second guesses.
I cried out as the scratchy blackness engulfed my face, tightening by a cord around my throat.
The Weaver Wailer chilled me. The diamond collar that’d seen what I’d seen and whispered with phantoms of my slain family prepared to revoke its claim and detach from around my neck.
This was it.
The Final Debt.
Cut pushed my shoulders forward.
A heavy yoke settled over the top of my spine.
I closed my eyes.
I said goodbye.
I waited to die.
One Week Earlier
I pushed back, gripping the handrails of the private jet, throwing my weight against Daniel’s incessant pushing. “Stop!”
“Get up the fucking stairs, Weaver.” Daniel jabbed his elbow into my spine.
I stumbled, bashing my knee against the high tread. “You can’t do this!” How had this happened? How had mere hours turned the entire universe against me? Again.
I wanted to smash every clock. Tear out the cog from every watch.
Time had once again stolen my life.
Daniel cackled. “I think you’ll find we can.” He shoved me higher.
My heart hurt—as if every mile between us and Hawksridge was a blade slicing me further from Jethro’s protection—a disharmony in an already discorded symphony.
One moment, I’d been love-bruised and adored, tiptoeing back into the Hall; the next, I was trapped, forced to dress in jeans and a hoodie, and obey Daniel as he lurked in my doorway, barking orders to pack a few meagre belongings.
He hadn’t left me alone.
His eyes followed my every move. I couldn’t grab the gun I’d hidden thanks to Jasmine. I couldn’t text Jethro to tell him I’d been caught. All I could do was run around my room with my lover’s release still damp on my inner thighs and submit to my nemesis.
The only saving grace was beneath Daniel’s hateful stare, I’d managed to pack the clothing I’d altered a few weeks ago. The cuffs full of needles and hems armoured with tools of my seamstress trade. Those garments were my only hope. There was no loophole. No way to refuse.
I had to trust Jasmine would get word to Jethro. That he would come for me…
Before it’s too late.
The desolation I’d suffered when Daniel first caught me faded to indignant anger. I’d been so close to being free. I’d been in Jethro’s arms. I’d been away from his psychotic family. My heart hardened a little toward Jethro for making me go back.
Why? Why did you send me back?
I didn’t know if I’d have the courage to forgive him.
You know why. And you will. Of course, you will.
I couldn’t hate him because I wasn’t selfish. He’d sent me back to protect all of us. Those precious few who’d accepted him and he’d accepted in return. Love was the worst enemy, winding its commitment, ensuring no freedom when it came to clearheaded thinking of adversity.
Jethro loved too much. Felt too much. Suffered too much. And his siblings would be our downfall. Kestrel and Jasmine relied on him—just like I did. The responsibility of settling his family’s wrongs was a terrible burden to bear.
But he’s not alone.
I might’ve been stolen. Jethro’s plans to save me might be ruined. But I was still alive. Still breathing. I wasn’t the naïve girl who’d first arrived at Hawksridge. I was a woman in love with a Hawk. A Weaver who would draw Hawk blood.
It’s not over…
Pain exploded in my spine as Daniel stabbed me with his fist. “Get in the fucking airplane.”
“No!” I threw myself backward, looking frantically at the private hangar. We weren’t at Heathrow, but a small, private airfield called Turweston. “I won’t!”
No strangers I could call for help.
No police or air marshals.
When Daniel had stalked me from my room and shoved me outside, Cut had been waiting. With a victorious smile, he’d stuffed me in the back of a limousine.
With a purring engine, we’d pulled away from Hawksridge, tyres crunching on gravel as we followed the long driveway off the estate.
My eyes had scoured the trees, their silhouettes growing stronger as the sun tinted the sky with pink blushes. Daniel and Cut sat opposite me, toasting each other with a chilled bottle of champagne. However, I hadn’t been alone on my side of the limo—I had a guard.
Marquise, Bonnie’s damn henchman, sat beside me; a mountain of muscle, unyielding and impenetrable.
“Come along.” A strange voice raised my gaze.
A man in a captain’s uniform smiled from the top of the aircraft steps. The private plane’s fuselage glinted in graphite grey. Sparkling diamonds, inlaid in the shape of a windswept ribbon, decorated the tail.
“I don’t want to leave England.”
Daniel laughed behind me. “Like you have a choice.”
“I always have a choice, Buzzard.” I glowered over my shoulder. “Just like this choice of yours will not end well for you.”
If I don’t kill you, Jethro will.
As far as Daniel knew, his slain brother was supposedly rotting in some unmarked grave. Jethro was right. The element of surprise trumped any of Cut and Daniel’s grand delusions.
He snarled, “Watch it, bitch. Everything you say to me here will be paid in full when we’re there.”
“Now, now. No need for threats.” The captain climbed down a rung, holding out his hand. “She’ll get on board. Won’t you, my dear? No need to be afraid of flying. I have an exemplary record.” White hair tufted from either side of his pristine flying cap. In his mid-fifties, he looked fit and toned and impatient to take off.
“I can’t leave.”
I can’t be so far from Jethro.
The captain smiled, waving at his vessel. “Of course, you can. Plus, I bet you’ve never travelled in such style.”
“It’s nothing against your mode of transport. It’s the destination I disagree to. I’m staying here.” I dug my heels into the metal grate, fighting against Daniel’s perpetual pushing. “I don’t have my passport, visa… I can’t travel across borders, so you might as well let me return home.”
Had Hawksridge Hall become my home?
No, don’t be absurd.
But Jethro had. It didn’t matter where we ended up. What we did for work. How our lives panned out. As long as I was alive with Jethro by my side…I would be home.
“Don’t fuss about that.” The captain waved his hand in invitation. “Travel is good for the soul.”
Not my soul.
Travel meant my soul would become untethered from my body, thanks to Cut and the Final Debt.
The sun barely peeked over the horizon, hidden by soupy fog and reluctant night. The world refused to warm, unable to shed the morning frost or dislodge the claws of winter. England didn’t want to say goodbye as much as I did, its reluctant dawn wanting me to stay.
“If you don’t get on the motherfucking plane in two seconds, Weaver, you’ll live to regret it,” Daniel growled.
I glared at the youngest Hawk. “Haven’t you learned by now your threats don’t scare me?”
Forcing myself to stand taller, I hid the quaking in my bones, the quivering in muscles, the rampant terror scurrying in my blood. “I know where you want to take me, and I refuse.”
Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose. A second later, he cuffed me on the back of the head. “Behave!”
I gritted my teeth against the wash of agony.
“Almasi Kipanga is a fucking treat for the likes of you, Weaver. Get on your knees and show some goddamn appreciation. Otherwise, I’ll rip out your fucking tongue and ensure peace for the rest of the trip.”
“Ah, as I said, there’s no need for violence.” The captain took another step, prying my hand off the railing and tugging me upward. “Come along, my dear. Let’s get you inside. And don’t you worry about visas and things. Leave it to me. Airport control won’t be an issue.”
Vertigo cast the world in monochromatic greys as I swayed toward the captain. “But—”
Cut barrelled past Daniel—reaching the end of his patience. Grabbing my arse, he shoved me upward, forcing me like unwilling livestock up the final steps. “I have your passport, Nila. Get on the plane.” His breath skated over the back of my neck. “And don’t think about refusing again. Got it?”
Gripping the fuselage, I looked over my shoulder. “My passport? How did you—”
He waved a black binder in my face. “Everything is in here. You have no more excuses, and I won’t ask again. Get on the fucking plane or I’ll knock you out and you can wake up when we get there.”
Series Reading Order
Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) FREE
First Debt (Indebted #2)
Second Debt (Indebted #3)
Third Debt (Indebted #4)
Fourth Debt (Indebted #5)
Final Debt (Indebted #6)
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Indebted Epilogue (Indebted #7)
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About the Author:
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Her Grey Romance books include:
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My Rating 5***Unforgettable Hawk redeemer Stars
Title: Final Debt
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Type: Last book 6 of 6 on the Indebted Series
POV: First Person – Dual (shifting)

“Fate had decided we were matched. And we’d fulfilled that prophecy by falling head over fucking heels.” Jethro

Final Debt is the last installment of this captivating series. I wasn’t sure what to except going into this but what I read defiantly exceeded my expectation. This book, just WOW was absolutely amazing packed with suspense, action, and love yes sweet love. All the secrets finally came out and so many things happened I was a complete anxious mess. My anxiety levels were high up in the sky with all the events and boy did we get an unforgettable finale?! Oh YES we do. It was completely worth the wait and heart break we endured during the series. I am so sad this series has come to an ending but also because there was one part on this book that completely utterly broke me for life. I don’t know that it had to happen but it made this book so much memorable defiantly something I would never forget and cry all my life over it.
This book picks up right where book five ended; the beginning was so depressing I desperately wanted, needed salvation a miracle or something. Nila Weaver was taken from London by Cut and Daniel to Africa; she was alone and had no hope in surviving this madness. However; she wasn’t giving up this fight so easily. No matter how much torture she endured she continue to fight because love and hope was much stronger than death. Nila was so much stronger on this book; she was a total badass I adore her for it. She had grown so much from the beginning and made this book an epic story with her amazing survivor actions.
“I was alive. I was dead. I was reborn.” Nila

Jethro Hawk was under a time bomb; he thought he had time to save his love ones. He had a plan but time was always against him. He was desperate trying to save the love of his life and his brother and sister from his evil family. The extend of what he went through to rescue Nila and saved his family gutted me. My man got hurt, injured, flew countries to try to save her and at omg the anxieties were so high I was biting my nails the entire time. My heart was in my throat I was a mess.
“I would breathe, but I would die….My heart would split open…I knew what hell was.” Jethro

He finally finds Nila and they had amazing heated moments I was trying to enjoy it but at the same time I was freaking out like watching a scary movie where the monster is coming right behind them and if they don’t run fast enough they will die?! Yeah I felt like that the entire time. It was a total roller coaster ride. However; in the midst of it all they managed to keep their hopes and love alive.
“I kissed her. The instant my lips touched hers, it was if a nuclear explosion mushroomed inside her.” Jethro

You do not want to miss out on this EPIC finale. The author manages to suck you into this book from beginning to end. This book is an endless roller coaster ride that will have you on the edge of your seat cheering for your favorite team Nila and Jethro. So many things happened I cannot tell you enough how much I loved this final book. It was the best; it had everything we have been wanting from the beginning of the series and you will not be disappointing the way the author managed to put this finally together. Final Debt was a complete stunning ending and it will forever stay in my heart, it sealed the ending of the Debt Inheritance series and it was the best.
“We each had our craters and defects from war. But we would wear them with pride.” Nila

"ARC kindly provided via TRSOR blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."
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Reaper’s Fall is the newest standalone in the Reaper's MC Series. Painter & Melanie's story is FINALLY here!
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The New York Times bestselling author of Reaper’s Stand is back in her “uber-alpha rough world of MCs”* as one woman’s future is rocked by the man whose hardcore past could destroy her…
He never meant to hurt her.
Levi “Painter” Brooks was nothing before he joined the Reapers motorcycle club. The day he patched in, they became his brothers and his life. All they asked in return was a strong arm and unconditional loyalty—a loyalty that’s tested when he’s caught and sentenced to prison for a crime committed on their behalf.
Melanie Tucker may have had a rough start, but along the way she’s learned to fight for her future. She’s escaped from hell and started a new life, yet every night she dreams of a biker whose touch she can’t forget. It all started out so innocently—just a series of letters to a lonely man in prison. Friendly. Harmless. Safe.
Now Painter Brooks is coming home… and Melanie’s about to learn that there’s no room for innocence in the Reapers MC.
“You want to watch a movie or something?” she asked, nodding toward the TV. I had a decent one, too. Giant-ass flat-screen—homecoming present from the club.
“Sure,” I said, reaching for the remote. I didn’t have cable, but Ruger had set up some kind of box thingie for me so I could stream shit. “Whatcha in the mood for?”
“Not horror,” she said quickly, and I laughed again, remembering that first evening I’d spent with her at Pic’s house. She’d been so young and scared and vulnerable . . . I’d wanted to eat her up.
I still wanted to eat her.
“I can’t believe that you and Puck were supposed to be watching over me, and then you put in a slasher movie. That’s not how you make a girl feel safe.”
“No horror,” I agreed, although the thought of holding her for a couple hours while she was scared shitless appealed way more than it should. Watch it, asshole. “How about Star Wars?”
“You like Star Wars?”
I shrugged. “Everyone likes Star Wars. You know, I’m pretty damned sure Han Solo was a biker.”
She giggled. “You mean, like a space biker?”
“See, when you say it like that it sounds stupid.”
“I wanted to be Princess Leia. She’s badass,” she said, taking a deep drink of her beer. I watched as her lips wrapped around the neck, her throat swallowing. Oh fuck, that was good. She set the beer down on the coffee table with a clink, then let loose with the biggest burp I’d ever heard.
“Fucking hell,” I said, stunned. “I didn’t think girls could burp like that. Shit. Impressive, Mel. Very impressive.”
She grinned at me.
“We’re friends,” she told me. “And friends don’t need to worry about stuff like that. Let me guess—you’ve never had a female friend before?”
“Not really,” I admitted. “I’m think I’m a little scared.”
Scared and turned on, which was weird.
“You should be. I can do the whole alphabet.”
Damn. I kinda wanted to see that.
You know, I write these fuckin’ letters to you, but they’re fake. I ask about your friends and your school and whether you’re meeting people. It’s bullshit, Mel.
Here’s my reality.
Yesterday I stabbed someone before he could stab me. Puck and I sold some shit to a bunch of white supremacists and we turned around and sold the same damned thing to some Mexicans. We had pudding with our dinner for dessert.
Then I jacked off three times thinking about you.
Those are the highlights. Like a fairy tale, right? Remembering you keeps me going, which makes no fucking sense at all. I hardly touched you. I still think about what you smelled like when you sat next to me on the couch, though. You were just this little thing and you shivered under my arm. I know you were scared of the movie and I could’ve picked something else, but I wanted the excuse to hold you.
That’s when I started thinking seriously about us fucking.
I had this vision of shoving you into the cushions face- first, then ripping down your jeans and pushing so deep you’d feel it in the back of your throat. That’s the kind of guy I am, Mel, and that’s why you should stay the fuck away from me.
You give me the chance, I’ll pin you down and keep pumping no matter how hard you try to get away. I dream about it every night, I jerk off to it, and today I gave serious thought to killing a man because he has the same fantasies about you as me. That first night, I promised London I wouldn’t touch you, but my cock had already been hard for hours. Good thing she showed up when she did—saved your ass. How’s that for luck?
When I took you to dinner, I was going to be good. Tried to be good. I know you didn’t understand why I asked you out or what it meant. They needed you out of the way, Mel. That was my job—to keep you busy. And I promised London I wouldn’t pull shit on you but she’d been lying to us all along and I kept wondering if that meant my promise didn’t count anymore.
Pretty damned sure it hasn’t counted for a while now.
You were talking and smiling and blushing. My dick was so stiff it nearly snapped in half when I tried to stand up. Took everything I had not to throw you on my bike and ride off with you . . . I want to tie you up and come in your ass and shove my cock down your throat until you choke. I want your hair in little-girl pigtails so I can hold on tight while I fuck your face. I want you to cry and scream and give me everything. I want to fucking OWN you. How’s that for reality, Mel? You still want my advice about boys?
I’m coming home soon. You should run away while you still can, Mel. I’ll make you dirty, so dirty you’ll never be clean again. I’ll make you pay me back the hard way. You think you’re all grown up, but you’re not. There’s so much I could teach you . . . do to you. Jesus, if you only knew, you’d never write to me again.
You should move to Alaska.
Change your name.
Good luck, though, because I’ll find you and take you and—
Fucking hell.
I dropped my pencil, wondering why I’d thought this was a good idea. I wasn’t going to send it, of course. I’d send her some friendly little note and tell her she should be dating and having fun. But some part of me thought writing my real thoughts out might fix my obsession. Instead my dick was like a rock. Again.
“You’re not going back to the party.”
She cocked her head, and I saw the confusion in her alcohol- glazed eyes as she wrinkled her nose at me. All cute, like a rabbit.
“You look like a bunny.”
“You look like an ax murder,” she said, frowning. “And I thought London was looking for me. Aren’t we going the wrong way?”
“I lied. I do that a lot,” I told her, staring at her lips. I reached out, catching her chin in my hand, running my thumb across her lips. Our eyes locked, and I don’t know if her pulse started to rise but mine sure as fuck did. What the hell had I been thinking, writing to this girl? She was so pretty and perfect and had this amazing, magical life just waiting for her and all I could think about was dragging her down into the dirt and shoving my cock into every hole she had.
She’d scream while I did it, too, the same sweet screams that played in my head every night while I jacked off.
I hated myself.
“Why did you lie?” she asked, her voice a whisper.
“To get you away from Taz. It’s not safe with him.”
Mel’s forehead creased in confusion, her brain moving so slowly I could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes. She might be smart as fuck most of the time, but she’d transitioned to drunker than fuck tonight. Kit. Kit and Em. They’d done this to her.
I leaned in closer, catching her scent. For an instant I swayed, so tempted . . .
“They told me all about you,” she whispered.
“The other girls. Kit, Em. Jessica. I know how you operate,” she continued. One of her hands rose, touching my chest. Fire burst through me, because if I’d wanted her before I was desperate for her now. She was so soft, so sweet . . . so perfect.
Then her words sank in.
“What did you just say?”
“They told me all about you,” she said, eyes dropping to stare at my lips. “They told me you have a Madonna-whore complex.” I froze.
“A what?”
“A Madonna-whore complex,” she repeated, her voice earnest. “You like to screw dirty girls and you put clean girls on pedestals, where they can stay perfect and pure. That’s pretty messed up, Painter. There’s no such thing as Madonnas and whores. We’re all just people.”
The words stunned me. What the hell was she talking about? Just because I didn’t want her dragged down in the drama and bullshit of this life didn’t mean I had some sort of fucking complex. And who the hell were the Hayes sisters to have an opinion? I couldn’t tell what pissed me off more—the fact that they’d talked to Mel about me or that they hadn’t done a better job of scaring her off.
She wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Kit and Em are crazy, and that friend of yours—Jessica? She’s like a car crash. You don’t belong here, Mel.”
“And where do I belong?”
“With some nice kid who’ll treat you like a queen and work his ass off to give you everything perfect for the rest of your life.” The words were practically a growl.
Her eyes widened.
“What if I don’t want perfect?”
“Too fucking bad, because that’s what you’re getting.”
About the Author:
Joanna Wylde is a New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Reapers Motorcycle Club series. She currently lives in Idaho.
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"Sexy. Beautiful. Toxic."

Reaper's Fall is the fifth book in the Reapers MC Series. The Reapers Men are one set of bikers that never fail to get the blood pumping. With action, steam, and temperamental characters,Reaper's Fall continues the tradition of fast bikes, rough men, and their spirited women.

Painter and Mel are not new characters to the series. Both made appearances in previous books. Painter has been with the club for a long time and Mel is a good friend of the club because of her close friendship with Jessica (London's niece). Painter and Mel have always had a history of attraction and a bit of a “young crush” has been an ongoing development between the two. While Painter was serving time in prison, Mel sent him letters and their friendship only continued to blossom.
"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."-Painter

When Painter was finally out and able to resume his work in the club, Mel was surprised that he wasn’t interested in getting anything started with her. Both WANT to start something and yet, Painter has been holding back because he just doesn’t think he is good enough for Mel. When the two finally get together, the chemistry between the two was intense to say the least. Finally, all of that sexual tension has no problem busting loose! Because they had such a strong friendship (at the core of their relationship), it only made the two of them together more endearing and yet "red hot"! As Painter continues to balance his priorities between the club and Mel, things begin to get complicated. Mel must decide if she is ok playing second fiddle to the club. After a serious case of the back and forth, the two finally realize they simply cannot stay away from each other.
"You'd really start a war over this girl?

Reaper's Fall was a good read. However, what was slightly problematic for me was the pacing throughout the first half of the book. The prologue begins with a bang. Then when we jump a few pages to the first chapter, you find yourself five years in the past. Therefore, the anticipation is high for the first half of the book. The tension, at times, felt forced and slightly "over the top". Painter and Mel were both complex characters and both had personality traits that were less than desirable. And yet, as the plot continues to develop, the tempo picks up significantly. I began to to invest in the story and both of the main characters became just like all of the other characters in this series. (People I cared about and wanted to find happiness in each other.) Told in multiple POV, Reaper's Fall is a must read for Reapers Fans. Although it wasn’t my favorite in the series, Mel and Painter have a unique story and I am so glad that I read it.

"This isn't over. It would never be over between us."-Painter

Overall, Reaper's Fall is another winner in the series. Despite my moments of frustration, there were moments of passion and tenderness that should not be missed. I enjoy the writing style of this author and throughout each book, my love for these bikers continues to grow! Although each book can be read as a stand alone, I highly recommend taking the time to read the series in full from Book 1. What better way to become acquainted with some of the sexiest bikers around?
~BR with my girl LOYDA!!!!

***Reapers MC Series***
~ARC graciously provided via NETGALLEY and Berkley/NAL Publishing in exchange for an honest review!~

Ok I’ve always liked painter since the beginning of the series. Yes he annoyed me for not claiming Em but I am so glad now that he didn’t because Painter and Mel are just amazing together. They were just perfect for each other.

This story is about Levi aka “Painter” Brooks. He went to jail for a while; He had met Mel right before he was sent to jail. They would write to each other and I was so happy that Mel did that because my poor Painter really deserved to be happy for once. However; he was hard headed like all the MC man you have met on this series. They are just too chicken to settle down for whatever reason afraid that they are just never good enough for their woman. The thing is they didn’t realize once the girls fall hard for them nothing really matters they are blinded by their love and relationship they have for them.

We met Melanie aka “Mel” Tucker on the last book she was Jessica’s best friend, she was the one that accidentally caused the house fire for London at least that’s what she always believe that it was her fault. Ever since Painter helped her on the last book she had a thing for him. Mel was young and her father was a drunk, her mother had abandoned her and she needed to feel safe and loved. London and Reese took her in but she knew she needed to get her own life together. Painter encouraged her and helped her with some cash and let her have his vehicle while he was in jail. Her letters gave him hope and kept him going. He was falling for this girl fast and he didn’t even know it.

This book takes place in different time periods when they first met, while he was in jail, the time she waited for him. And then well she gets knocked up when he gets out and a whole new life Mel was not prepared to deal with but she managed even without Painter’s support because he gets put back to jail for another two years right after he found out about her baby. Time was not fun for these two but they both learned to be parents without having an intimate relationship once Painter was released from jail. The chemistry between these two was so hot omg I loved it so much. I understood why she wouldn’t forgive him. He realized a bit too late he fucked up big time but he never gave up on them; I loved painter so much on this book. He was ugh badass. Mel did end up being some badass herself at the end and I really loved that they both were able to understand each other at the end. Their daughter was just adorable I loved that baby girl was able to make their relationship better in some way.

Painter did his best to be there as a father for baby Izzy and he tried to be good for both of them. He was very talented as a painter his work was selling like hot bread he was making good “honest” money for Mel and his daughter. He let Mel do what she wanted but he had one rule “no dating bikers” it was stupid but I get it if she didn’t want to be with him because he was a member of the MC Reapers so why would she date another biker? I mean I get it. Well he finally couldn’t help it and finally claimed her. Lots of events happened that caused her to realize she would never be able to love anyone else, he had ruined her for anyone else and finally gave in. I love the way Painter was with Mel, I love how sweet he could be and how freaking HARD he could also be. He was just awesome in my eyes. Yes he fucked up but he grew up and realized what was important and I loved him for that.

I was so happy to see some of the Reapers showed up on this book. Reese what can I say I love that man haha. This book was really good, I enjoyed it from the beginning. I enjoyed how all the MC and the old ladies always had Painter and Mel’s back they are really true family and I loved them for that. I will be honest it took me a while to remember all the Reapers and the old ladies because it has been a while since I read the rest of the series but it was worth it. By the time I finished I remembered all of them and I cannot wait for the next book which I hope is Gage because damn that teaser was freaking HOTTT.

*****BR with my girl LIZ*****

My Rating 4.5***Love me some Painter Stars
Title: Reaper's Fall
Author: Joanna Wylde
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone book 5 of Reapers MC series
POV: First Person – Dual
Type: Standalone book 5 of Reapers MC series
POV: First Person – Dual
“She was mine. She’s always been mine. I’d be damned if I’d share her with another man.” Painter

Ok I’ve always liked painter since the beginning of the series. Yes he annoyed me for not claiming Em but I am so glad now that he didn’t because Painter and Mel are just amazing together. They were just perfect for each other.

This story is about Levi aka “Painter” Brooks. He went to jail for a while; He had met Mel right before he was sent to jail. They would write to each other and I was so happy that Mel did that because my poor Painter really deserved to be happy for once. However; he was hard headed like all the MC man you have met on this series. They are just too chicken to settle down for whatever reason afraid that they are just never good enough for their woman. The thing is they didn’t realize once the girls fall hard for them nothing really matters they are blinded by their love and relationship they have for them.
“His gaze met mine, burning through me, and I swear-the world started spinning.” Mel

We met Melanie aka “Mel” Tucker on the last book she was Jessica’s best friend, she was the one that accidentally caused the house fire for London at least that’s what she always believe that it was her fault. Ever since Painter helped her on the last book she had a thing for him. Mel was young and her father was a drunk, her mother had abandoned her and she needed to feel safe and loved. London and Reese took her in but she knew she needed to get her own life together. Painter encouraged her and helped her with some cash and let her have his vehicle while he was in jail. Her letters gave him hope and kept him going. He was falling for this girl fast and he didn’t even know it.
“Never stopped thinking about her, though. Not once. She’d become my anchor.” Painter

This book takes place in different time periods when they first met, while he was in jail, the time she waited for him. And then well she gets knocked up when he gets out and a whole new life Mel was not prepared to deal with but she managed even without Painter’s support because he gets put back to jail for another two years right after he found out about her baby. Time was not fun for these two but they both learned to be parents without having an intimate relationship once Painter was released from jail. The chemistry between these two was so hot omg I loved it so much. I understood why she wouldn’t forgive him. He realized a bit too late he fucked up big time but he never gave up on them; I loved painter so much on this book. He was ugh badass. Mel did end up being some badass herself at the end and I really loved that they both were able to understand each other at the end. Their daughter was just adorable I loved that baby girl was able to make their relationship better in some way.

Painter did his best to be there as a father for baby Izzy and he tried to be good for both of them. He was very talented as a painter his work was selling like hot bread he was making good “honest” money for Mel and his daughter. He let Mel do what she wanted but he had one rule “no dating bikers” it was stupid but I get it if she didn’t want to be with him because he was a member of the MC Reapers so why would she date another biker? I mean I get it. Well he finally couldn’t help it and finally claimed her. Lots of events happened that caused her to realize she would never be able to love anyone else, he had ruined her for anyone else and finally gave in. I love the way Painter was with Mel, I love how sweet he could be and how freaking HARD he could also be. He was just awesome in my eyes. Yes he fucked up but he grew up and realized what was important and I loved him for that.

I was so happy to see some of the Reapers showed up on this book. Reese what can I say I love that man haha. This book was really good, I enjoyed it from the beginning. I enjoyed how all the MC and the old ladies always had Painter and Mel’s back they are really true family and I loved them for that. I will be honest it took me a while to remember all the Reapers and the old ladies because it has been a while since I read the rest of the series but it was worth it. By the time I finished I remembered all of them and I cannot wait for the next book which I hope is Gage because damn that teaser was freaking HOTTT.

*****BR with my girl LIZ*****

"Arc Kindly provided by publisher via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review"


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We are so excited to share with you the highly anticipated sequel in The Mercenaries series...
OUT OF PLANS - releasing on December 15th. Enjoy a sneak peek into the book below!
Cover Designed by Najla Qamber
There was shouting in Thai, and Lily had to get physical with one of the girls in order to get her to leave, but eventually all three hookers were in the hall. Lily slammed the door shut and went back into the bathroom. Kingsley was sitting upright in the shower, still rubbing his hands all over his face and head.
“Is it cold in here?” he asked. She grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet.
“Yes, it's cold in here because you're in the water,” she explained, careful as she helped him get out of the tub.
“Right, right, that makes sense,” he agreed. He leaned on her and she staggered under his weight. They tumbled out of the room and fell onto his king sized bed.
“C'mon, up up up,” she urged, sitting upright. He rolled onto his back, instead.
Lily got down on the floor, working to pull off his shoes. It wasn't easy, he kept moving his legs and kicking his feet. His wet laces also put up a fight, but she eventually won the battle and threw his shoes across the room.
“Oi, thanks love, I hate those shoes!” he called to her as he struggled to sit upright.
“Well, then why did you -,”
For being stoned out of his mind, Kingsley was surprisingly quick, and he grabbed her by the back of her neck and yanked her forward. Lily was underneath him before she even knew what was happening, and then before she could react to what he'd just done, he was kissing her. Kingsley had kissed her once before, but it had been a goodbye kiss. No tongue, more of a show than anything else.
There was nothing funny about the way he was kissing her now. It was like he was ravenous, and she was a full buffet. She squealed and tried to push him off, but he didn't even notice. His hands wandered down her body, squeezing her breasts while his tongue explored her mouth.
This may have been a bad idea. Maybe I should've gone back to Ohio.
Lily smacked him in the side of the head, and when he pulled away to question her, she whacked him in the throat. Not hard enough to do any real damage, but hard enough to make him choke and gag.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing!?” he demanded, his voice hoarse.
“I have the same question!” she yelled back, pushing at his chest, trying to get him off of her.
“What kind of whore are you!?”
“I'm not a whore!”
He paused. His hand was on his throat, massaging where she'd hit him, and he looked down at her. His pupils were huge, and he seemed to have trouble focusing on one point. But then his eyes found hers and he stopped. Just stared down at her.
“Lily,” he said her name in a soft voice. The hand he had against his throat fell away, lightly touching the side of her face.
“Yeah, it's me,” she said back, keeping her own voice low.
“I'm very glad you're here,” he started, “though I wish I'd known you were coming. I hate for you to see me like this.”
“Me, too. I tried to call.”
“I'm sure you did. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm terribly sorry, but I think I'm going to pass out.”
And he did just that, collapsing on top of her. She gasped underneath his weight, and it took her a couple moments to wriggle free of him.
“Great, just great,” she grumbled, looking over at him as he snored away.
What was she supposed to do with a stoned mercenary!?

I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me.
Yeah. I think that about sums me up.
♥ Book 1 - Best Laid Plans ♥

About this author
Setta Jay is the author of the popular Guardians of the
Realms Series. She's garnered attention and rave reviews in
paranormal romance world for writing smart, slightly
innocent heroines and
intense alpha males. She loves writing
stories that incorporate a strong plot
with a heavy dose of
heat. Her influences include Judith McNaught who she feels
writes a smart heroine to perfection, Gena Showalter, Maya
Banks and Lora
Leigh. You can often find her writing
compared to JR Ward, but if you are a fan
of the Black
Dagger Brotherhood be warned that Setta Jay’s novels are
erotic in nature.
Born a California girl, she currently resides in Idaho with her
husband of ten
plus years who she describes as incredibly
sexy and supportive, even when it’s
Willy Wednesday on
Twitter. ;)
She loves to hear from readers so feel free to find her on
She loves to hear from readers so feel free to find her on
social media or send
her an email and she will happily reply.
"The Guardian Of The Realms Series"
~5 Can't Get Enough Stars~
"It’s just an illusion to hide the nightmare beneath. I’m not for you, dragon. No matter how much I wish I could be. The longing and regret in her tone was destroying him."-Delia

Searing Ecstasy is the seventh book in The Guardians of the Realms Series. This series is by far my favorite Paranormal Romance Series. The Guardians are powerful beings that are trying to protect the four realms, keep a solid balance between evil and good , and somehow manage to find their mate.

Searing Ecstasy is the long awaited story of Drake the leader of the guardians. He works to maintain control over the guardians and at the same time battles his own raging dragon that lives within. In Binding Ecstasy, Drake discovered his mate Delia. Alas, they cannot be together because of the workings of a wicked man. Although he has been destroyed, the aftermath of his terror has left irrevocable destruction. Drake has rescued Delia and is trying to keep her safe in the Guardian Manor. Although he is trying to keep her comfortable, the pain of the two being apart weighs heavy on his heart and causes his dragon to rebel.
"He couldn't get anywhere near that fucking link. The connection was only getting more sensitive. Fighting the dragon didn’t alleviate the desire to fuck, not even marginally. He still felt the echoes of her mental touch even though they’d severed all contact."

Delia had been badly beaten physically and emotionally and after enduring painful "medical testing" has been left with two beasts living inside of her. If she were to try to mate with Drake, she would then have a third beast (a dragon) housed in her body and she would be destroyed. Because Drake and Delia cannot be together, the pain is excruciating on them both. As Drake tries desperately to heal his mate, the emotional bond between the two continues to strengthen. Drake's ability to lead the guardians is wavering as he mourns over the separation from Delia. Additionally, Drake has to contend with two Gods now on the loose.

In addition to Drake and Delia's story, we also get an extra bonus of the continuation of Sander and Nastia's story. Nastia is a fiery female who will not submit to anyone. Until of course, she meets her match. Nastia and Sander are intense together and their witty banter made me smile the entire read!
“Let’s go, so you can get to fucking my brains out, nasty girl.”
The camaraderie between the Guardians is unique as they live together as a family. The emotional investment the reader makes in each character is rewarded in full as their stories continue throughout each book of the series. Imagine reading your favorite book over and over again but not getting bored because it just keeps getting better and better!

Searing Ecstasy is a phenomenal read with it's thorough character development, engaging plot, and "smoking hot" sex scenes! Having the word ecstasy in each title of each book could not be a more appropriate description of what you will experience while reading this series!
"It was a desperate mating of their mouths that he leaned into and managed to control without even using his hands. She was dizzy with it by the time she broke away to caress every inch of his throat and chest as she moved down, straddling one thick thigh, rotating her hips as she licked and sucked her way to her prize."
Told in multiple POV, I simply did not want this story to end. The action was well paced and the descriptive writing of Ms. Jay establishes the believability of this paranormal world with ease! The scope of emotions felt while reading Searing Ecstasy was vast as I felt pain, fear, sadness, passion, and utter joy right along with these characters.

Overall, Searing Ecstasy is a must read for Paranormal Romance Fans. This series just keeps getting better with each book. I simply cannot rave enough about The Guardians of the Realm. As for which Guardian is my favorite, I can only say I love them all. I simply cannot wait to see what happens next in this fantastical world. Bravo Ms. Jay! I will be anxiously awaiting the next Guardian's Story in this series!
~ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review!~
Meet Declan and Elizabeth in Ilsa Madden-Mills
new fighter romance!
★★ PURCHASE Dirty English Today!★★
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**Dirty English is a modern love story inspired by Pride and Prejudice**
A scarred fighter.
A girl with rules.
One night of unbridled passion.
There are three things you need to know about Elizabeth Bennett: she’s smart as a whip, always in control, and lives by a set of carefully crafted rules. She’s learned the hard way that people you love the most always hurt you in the end.
But then she meets Declan Blay, the new neighbor at her apartment complex.
A tattooed British street fighter, he’s the campus bad boy she’s supposed to avoid, but when he saves her from a frat party gone bad, all her rules about sex and love fly out the window.
She gives him one night of unbridled passion, but he longs for more.
With only a cardboard-thin wall separating their bedrooms, he dreams of possessing the vulnerable girl next door forever.
One night. Two damaged hearts. The passion of a lifetime.
“Come to my apartment and spend the night with me.” I touched his face, my fingers stroking the softness of his sensuous lips. “Just one night and we can make this shitty world disappear.”
He exhaled. “A one-night stand?”
He cupped my chin. “Someone hurt you, didn’t they?”
My lips tightened. No one at Whitman knew about Colby except for Shelley and Blake, and I sure as hell wasn’t telling him. He’d judge me like everyone else had in Petal, North Carolina. “That’s none of your business.”
“I see.” His eyes searched mine until I felt like a bug under a microscope. “What if I wanted more than just one night?”
“Then your hands can let go of my hips now.”
He removed his hands slowly, the tips of his fingers grazing mine. “This may surprise you, but I don’t sleep with every girl I kiss.”
I’d been rejected. Again. “Blake said you got around, that you used—”
“And you believed him?” His voice was incredulous. “Dude is in love with you and he saw exactly how we looked at each other tonight—”
“Looked at each other? What are you talking about? You refused to dance with me and then you ran off with your girlfriend. Not to mention I just kissed you and you didn’t even care.” I threw my hands up.
“I wanted to fuck you the minute you walked in that party,” he snapped.
“Then why don’t you,” I bit out, tossing back my shoulders.
“You think you want me?” he said tightly. “You can’t handle me, Elizabeth. I can see it in your eyes. You’re scared of something, maybe not me, but something.”
My eyes went to his black eye.
He let out a harsh laugh. “Ah, that’s what you’re afraid of. You want the real truth? You told me tonight you didn’t like violence, but I’m an arsehole who uses his fists. That’s who I am.”
“What do you mean?”
His gaze was intense, dark and low, his face struggling as he fought to find the right words. “I’m in a fight club for money. I show up at warehouses and fight other blokes. Sometimes I beat them so bad they need medical attention. A few times, I’ve been beat to unconsciousness. I’m everything you need to stay away from.”
I inhaled, anger and lust and excitement all riding me. Anger that he was pushing me away, lust for the alpha male in him, and God help me, the fighting thing repelled me and excited me at the same time. “I don’t want to stay away from you. I want you to fuck me and stop making excuses for why you can’t.”
My words seemed to snap his taut restraint.
He pulled me back in his arms, his lips fusing with mine unerringly. His tongue plundered me in a sensual way my body had craved for years. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my anger morphing into all-out desire as he turned us and pressed me against the wall.
Yes, yes, this is what I craved.
A passion to remind me that I was real, not just some sad excuse of a girl who chose to exist on scraps of love.
Before I knew it, he’d shoved my robe off, his hands sculpting my shoulders, massaging them as he ravaged my mouth. I reveled in the warmth of his hand on my neck as his mouth skated down, kissing the hollows of my throat, sucking on my collarbone.
“Like this?” he asked, his voice dark and gravelly. “You want me to take you up against this wall?”
“Yes,” I moaned. Gone. Past caring as long as he kept his hands on me.
Out of control, my brain whispered, but I beat back the dark warnings as his warm hand found my breast and squeezed, his fingers rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
I gasped in pleasure and arched my back to get closer to his body, ignoring the fear that pricked at the surface.
The rules girl in my head stamped her foot and yelled at me. I ignored her.
But even if I wanted to stop right now, I couldn’t. My tongue tangled wildly with his, my hands pulled at his hair, spurring him on, his hand palming my breast and then tugging. Sharp sensations of need went straight to my core.
“Is this what you want? Something quick where we just take what we want and forget each other the next day?”
No. Not that. Not like the way he said it, like it was something dirty.
“Yes, like that,” I whispered against his shoulder, my mouth on his skin, tasting him as my teeth bit down.
About the Author
New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap.
She's addicted to all things fantasy, including unicorns and sword-wielding heroes in books. Other fascinations include frothy coffee beverages, dark chocolate, Instagram, Ian Somerhalder (seriously hot), astronomy (she's a Gemini), Sephora make-up, and tattoos.
She has a degree in English and a Master's in Education.
When she's not pecking away on her computer, she shops for cool magnets, paints old furniture, and eats her weight in sushi.
You can stalk her on her website as well as get signed books:
Twitter: @ilsamaddenmills
Ilsa Madden-Mills’ other books:
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My Rating 4.5***Unicorn ~ Stars
Title:Dirty English
Author:Ilsa Madden-Mills
Genre:NA Romance
POV:First Person – Dual
“Love is a knife that cuts out your heart by piece; feeding it to the boy you love.”Elizabeth

Elizabeth Bennett had her heart broken and body shattered by the one she gave her love to, the boy she trusted with all her heart. She was young an innocent; she came from a low income home and without money and resources when her high school boyfriend; the rich kid son the Major of their City took advantage of her while he had drugged her after their prom night. She bow to never fall again she closed the key to her heart and became a cold bitch who would just take one night stands to prove he had no power over her body. Being from a trailer home she had no name and anyone to believe her story so she moved on at least she thought she did. Elizabeth earned a full scholarship to college because she was very intelligent and had dreams and moved to her new life.

Declan Blay; a British, Intense and beautiful twenty-one year old with his silver-gray eyes and stunning physic he was basically sex on a stick. Every woman wanted him, however his last relationship his heart was hurt he found his girlfriend with another guy and he wasn’t ready to give his heart again anytime soon. He focuses on college, his goals he purchased a gym and he was fighting underground ring to earn money to remodel his new gym and open it up for business. Declan has a twin brother Dax that I loved as well. Dax was the funny, flirty kind of guy it kind of reminded me of Logan from Fallen Crest I wish he gets his book haha. Declan settles into his new apartment and finds his next door beautiful smoking hot neighbor moving in the same day as him.

Later on Declan officially meets Elizabeth at a frat party; he never thought he would see her there his new neighbor. Elizabeth has no clue he is the boy next door but they instantly have a magnetic attraction. I loved their intensity of their first meet. She knows he is bad news, he knows she is not for him. He knows somehow she had been hurt and she didn’t do relationships and he wanted if he ever dated again he wanted a relationship not a one night stand but he knew she was broken and wouldn’t open up. Therefore; he tried really hard to stay away from her and denied her request yes, she openly told him to have the one night stand she is used to but there was something about him that scared her not intimated like he will hurt her but scared that she will defiantly fall for this beautiful man for good and she didn’t want to go there either.

They couldn’t hide from each other for too long she was hot he was hot and the chemistry was just undeniable to everyone around them. Declan and Elizabeth ended up hooking up and boy was it butterflies and fireworks?! Yes it was but it was much more, it was EPIC. I was fanning over it; he was so strong and so amazing. They had struggles to overcome because of his ex and her fear of falling in love and there was Colby who comes back to try to make her life difficult as if he hadn’t hurt her already on prom night. Dirty English is a beautiful story about giving love a second chance, about taking a chance at love again when you think you can’t trust because your heart and body had literally been broken and shattered once. It was packed with action, passion, romance and I was hooked from the beginning that I read it in one setting. To all my YA romance lovers you much read this book it was an enjoyable read. This author has never disappointed me.

“Loving Declan was like the rain storms I loved to dance in. Crazy and unpredictable, sometimes turbulent, sometimes gentle…I wanted him anyway.” Elizabeth

"ARC Kindly provided via author blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."
Book Order Series: STANDALONE


"He was the one with the potential to break me into a million pieces."-Elizabeth

Dirty English is a FIGHTING ROMANCE lovers dream! With a tattooed fighting bad boy and a broken heroine, this is one read you won't want to miss!

Elizabeth Bennett is an intelligent hard working college student striving to overcome her upbringing. Straight out of the trailer park, she has managed to secure a scholarship at a prestigious university. Other than her two best friends, she avoids relationships like the plague. Facing the demons of her past, she has distracted herself with meaningless sex. Driven by order and meticulous planning, Elizabeth is just going through the motions of life. As she unpacks her life in her new apartment, she discovers that her new neighbor is tall, dark, and "super sexy"!

Declan Blay is a British transplant and works hard at the university and as a fighter in an underground fighting ring. His twin brother is his best friend and although they are opposite, their friendship is endearing and their support for one another is unwavering. Declan settles into his new apartment and notices his sexy and sweet neighbor Elizabeth.
"There was a connection between us, and I'm not stupid, I know it wasn't love at first sight-maybe lust-but he was definitely the hottest guy I'd been this close to in two years."-Elizabeth

When Elizabeth ventures out to a Fraternity party, she meets Declan. Although the attraction is immediate, Declan doesn't view Elizabeth as an "easy lay"! Elizabeth does everything in her power to get her "bad boy" neighbor between the sheets. Declan is weighed down by his ex girlfriend and fears that he will only hurt Elizabeth. Elizabeth is battling the connection she feels with Declan when her past slams into her like a tsunami. Can Declan and Elizabeth find a way to overcome their pasts and find a future together?
"I don't want to stay away from you. I want you to fuck me and stop making excuses for why you can't."-Declan

Dirty English is a pleasant blend of action, passion, romance, and just enough "college drama" to keep the read engaging the entire time! Told in dual POV, both Declan and Elizabeth were intriguing characters with a great deal of depth. The plot is very similar to other NA Fighter Reads and yet, if that is a combination that you enjoy than you will be pleased with this read! Beware, you may have to enlist a great deal of patience as these two waver between "to be together" or "not to be together". However in the end, it was well worth the wait!

Overall, I recommend Dirty English to anyone who enjoys a great NA Fighter Romance! I thoroughly enjoyed this read and will certainly be on the lookout from more from this author!
~ ARC graciously provided via publisher for BLOG TOUR!~

Perfect Ruin by Nashoda Rose Book
RELEASED DATE: Dec. 14th, 2015
RELEASED DATE: Dec. 14th, 2015
GENRE: Erotic Romance
The New York Times Best Selling author Nashoda Rose is back with the much anticipated story of Kai and London in the Unyielding series.
There is nothing I care about.
No attachments.
No connections.
Outwardly, I’m a perfect gentleman.
Until my target sees my knife.
I fear nothing, not even death.
In my world, death is considered a privilege.
But my life comes with unbreakable cruel strings and
when I met her, I should’ve walked away.
I didn’t.
I was too selfish.
And that sealed her fate.
Because one week with me led her into the hands of ruin.
We all have unique layers that make up who we are.
What makes us vulnerable or strong.
What we fear and what excites us.
But peel back those layers and you’re left naked and exposed.
They did that to me.
Each piece was slowly stripped away then burned.
I merely existed.
But there was one layer they overlooked.
The most important of them all—the tie to one man.
The man responsible for me being this way.
The man who found me.
And the killer who would do anything to protect me.
Perfect Ruin is the dark erotic story of Kai and London.
Their beginning.
And the continuing story of Vault.
Book Series Order:
Must be read in order
Click on each picture to add to Goodreads
Must be read in order
Click on each picture to add to Goodreads
Perfect Chaos (Unyielding, #1) Deck and Georgie
Perfect Ruin (Unyielding, #2) Kai and London
Perfect Rage (Unyielding, #3) Connor’s story

Photo by Christopher CJC Photography
Model: Assad Shalhoub…
Cover design by Louisa LM Creations

Title: UNRAVELED (The Gatekeeper Chronicles, #2)
Author: Dina M. Given
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: August 31, 2015
Emma Hayes, a mercenary turned monster hunter, finds herself the secret savior of Earth as she attempts to battle creatures, called Monere, and keep unsuspecting humans safe.
Emma already has blood on her hands, and the tide of Monere keep coming. She quickly learns that not all battles can be won with a gun and she must decide whether to take up Sharur, the magical battle axe, which may trigger a latent and terrifying magical ability within her.
Emma’s monster hunting skills also catch the attention of a government operative who enlists her help to discover the identity of another hunter. This investigation leads Emma deep into the heart of a supernatural organized crime Syndicate, and all of her notions about the evil nature of these creatures are called into question when she meets The Syndicate’s leader.
Can Emma unravel the true nature of the Monere and come to terms with her own magical ability before the next gateway opens, threatening the future of humankind?
Purchase your copy today!

With this proximity, I could see each hard angle of Alex’s face and body. I had either never had the luxury of this kind of quiet downtime with him, or perhaps I had never allowed myself to really look at him before, but I did now.
His light hair was longer than usual and mussed from the excitement of the evening. A stray lock fell across one brilliantly green eye, the color of a lush rainforest. His body tensed, showing off every taut muscle through his thin T-shirt.
He was beautiful, but he didn’t know it, or if he did, he had never used his looks to his advantage. I had never seen him flirt, throw around an enticing smile, or pin someone with a smoldering stare. Although he could certainly do it, he probably thought that kind of influence was a form of cheating. He could be such a Boy Scout, but it was charming and made him trustworthy, and to trust someone was more important than a bad boy attitude any day.
This man sitting before me had sacrificed his own safety several times to save me. His job had initially been to keep an eye on me for Alcina and the Mage Council, and kill me if need be. Not only did he defy his orders, but he did so spectacularly when he saved my life in Citi Field and sided with a shifter to ensure my escape. He defied his people and his prejudice for me.
The sultry air in the subway car seemed to grow warmer and closer as these thoughts smoldered low in my belly. A rush of longing and gratitude swept through me. Alex must have sensed it because he chose that moment to lift his head, and our eyes locked. His expression reflected everything I was feeling, and I was consumed by a desire to see whether the Boy Scout would ever explore bad boy territory.
I stood slowly, as if trying not to spook a nervous horse that was on the precipice of bolting, before lowering myself onto the futon next to Alex. His eyes followed my every movement, sweeping across each curve of my body. His expression didn’t change, but his body stilled, all of that nervous fidgeting coming to a grinding halt.
I slid so close to Alex my thigh rubbed against his, and he reacted like I had electrocuted him with my touch, his leg jerking at the sudden sensation, but he didn’t move away from the physical contact.
“Thank you,” I said so softly it seemed as though all of the upholstered fluff in the room had absorbed the sound.
“For what?” Alex asked, his eyes now resting on my leg where the clothing had burned away to reveal the newly healed, creamy skin.
“For everything,” I said with a small laugh, and he looked up then met my gaze. “Seriously, you saved my bacon a few times now, and I don’t think I ever thanked you. I know you didn’t have to do it, and I know it went against your orders. You put yourself at serious risk for me.”
His warm hand slipped into mine, and I embraced the unexpected touch, wrapping my fingers around his. “Emma, no matter what happens I want you to know that you mean everything to me. You always have. Even though I may have lost my way, that truth will never change. I need you to believe that.”
The burning sincerity in his eyes was proof enough.
“I do,” I said, squeezing his hand gently for emphasis. It felt a lot like he was saying good-bye. Maybe all of this was just too much for him.
Tears sprung to my eyes, unbidden, and I turned away to hide them. Alex hadn’t missed them, though.
With his free hand, he cupped my chin tenderly and turned my head to face him again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He looked on the verge of tears himself.
“You didn’t. It’s just that… Well, there haven’t been very many people in my life who have cared enough to want to help me, or to try to save me.” Even though I didn’t know exactly what Alex had meant by his last statement, I felt compelled to let him know I wanted to be there for him too. “If you ever do lose your way, I promise I’ll help you find it again.”
Our gazes were locked together in a need for connection. I became hyperaware of the sensation of my thigh pressed against his and the comforting touch of his hand in mine. My leg shifted minutely, as if it had a mind of its own and wanted to increase the sensation of that subtle touch, calling attention to it. It had the desired effect.
Alex watched me through heavy lids, and I could suddenly feel the air thicken with anticipation. We were so close. All I had to do was lean in a couple of inches.
I wasn’t sure if I moved, but Alex’s eyes darted to my lips, which I licked unconsciously. He sucked in a hard breath as his own lips parted, and I could see his muscles bunching under his thin T-shirt as his body prepared to move toward me.
Unhidden (The Gatekeeper Chronicles, #1)
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About the Author
Dina Given lives in rural New Jersey – home of farms, horses and the largest hot air balloon festival in North America – with her husband, two crazy kids, and one rescue dog. She is an exercise enthusiast and avid lover of food and wine (hence the need to exercise). Dina also works full time for one of the largest healthcare companies in the world. She attributes her ability to juggle family, work and writing to her obsessive, hyper-focused, Type A personality.
Connect with Dina
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My Rating 4***Mysterious Female Monster Hunter ~ Stars
Title: Unraveled
Author: Dina Given
Genre: Paranormal
Type: Book 2 of The Gatekeeper series
POV: First Person - Multiple

“Hope could change the tides of war and save the souls of men, but for me, it was a poison.” Emma

Unraveled continues the madness of Emma Hayes aka Ash. After finding out she is not from Earth but from another world. Ash was able to escape with “Sharur” which we learned why everyone wanted it. It was the AXE that held the power to open up any worlds, it was powerful and it could destroy so much if it landed in the wrong hands. So much happens on this book that had me on the edge of my seat. The suspense, the thrilled was driving me mad. I had so many questions and I felt I couldn’t read this book fast enough.

After Emma’s memory has been given back to her she still couldn’t remember her previews life. She started having nightmares but she knew well that they were memories and it scared her. Finding out she has powers but don’t know how to use them yet made her unease she worried her dark side will hurt others. Even thought we don’t get to see all her power on this book we do see some and I am so thrilled to see her in action using them. All the new energy she gets from the Axe scared her so much she hides it but then she realized she is not strong enough to fight on her own and she depends on this Axe to help her on this new journey that is her new life.
“The weapon didn’t just destroy; it erased. It left behind nothingness, removing its target from the world completely.” Emma

Emma starts killing monsters, she starts sensing evil and gets on to killing them she doesn’t know why but she only destroys the ones she feels are evil and deserves it but leaves the good ones alive. She finds herself on earth fighting all kinds of creatures some good and some bad. One minute she is resting the next she is fighting for her life, this book is so addicting I just couldn’t put it down I had to know what will happen next. How was Emma going to find her step brother Daniel? Would Zane ever turn back to being himself and not the beast he was forced to be? Would Alex want more than just friendship?
I fell in love with Zane from book one and his wildness, coldness, madness drove me insane. He was HOT and scary at the same time but I just couldn’t help falling head over heels and madly in love with this badass beast. Zane was still wild trying to fight the beast inside of him while he try to forget about his love Emma aka Ash, but he was still there trying to fight for her even thought the beast inside of him kept telling him to kill her; he just couldn’t do it. He had hope for them but at the same time he didn’t I was so frustrated.
“I could think of nothing except how much I wanted to rewind time to when we were both young and madly in love, when my mind had been my own.” Zane

“Her presence also sparked a new drive within me to keep fighting against the snarling beast inside that wanted nothing more than to break free and tear everyone’s throats out.” Zane

Alex, wow I loved him so much but the love triangle was making me so anxious it had me on the edge I just couldn’t handle it. I loved him but just not like that, for me Zane was it from the beginning and having Alex’s showing his feelings on this book just made me feel sad because he deserves his better half and in my heart Emma and Zane are it even thought they were still fighting against each other to survive all their demons. Alex was always there to help Emma and protect her thought and I loved him for that. He betrays her and she was devastated but he had his reasons and even thought I understand them it was hard to swallow. He was trying so hard as well to help his best friend Zane and I admired him so much for it for putting his friendship first over the feelings he had for Emma.
“She could destroy me with a simple rejection, yet I was drawn to her like an insignificant gnat to a black widow’s web” Alex

Emma is trying to find answer to her new identity and in the midst of the madness she meets so many new characters, she tries to survive so many times I never knew what was coming next. There was dragons, monsters, shifters, Elves, and all kinds of creatures, powerful gods and not so powerful ones but she finds herself in a complete different situation trying to figure out how to survive this madness and why that was the question why does everyone want her?. After a book full of action and suspense we get some answers at the end. However, I don’t get the closure I need about her love story with Zane there’s still so much more I want to know and now I have to wait lord know how long for the next book to find out what’s going to happen next. They still have a war to fight and another world to save and it’s just madness that I can’t wait to get my hands on and see how this is going to end. I feel like I just finished watching an episode of Game of Thrones where you are left full of anxiously dying and waiting and craving for more.

“I would avenge the woman who’d had her child stolen from her, who hadn’t been able to see that little girl grow up. I will also avenge myself for my lost childhood and never knowing the love of a mother.” Emma

"ARC kindly provided by author via blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."
***BR with my girl LIZ***

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"Hope could change the tides of war and save the souls of men."-Emma

Unraveled is the second book in The Gatekeeper Series. Dina Given offers up another supernatural mix of mysterious creatures, heart stopping action, and a constant undercurrent of romance to keep your blood pumping the entire read.

As Unraveled begins, Emma (Ashnan) is still recovering from the mighty battle that took place in the conclusion of Unhidden. She has the Sharur (the magical ax) and Eddie by her side. Alex is recovering from his injuries from the battle and Jason has gone into hiding with Lilly. Zane is still out there and still wants her but yet is driven to kill her by the evil magic seeping through his soul. Emma is experiencing self doubt over her past choices and she is striving to overcome her fears for the future.

No one can be trusted. The Sharur calls to Emma and longs to find that spiritual connection with her. She is resisting. Alone in New York and unsure of her allies, Emma longs for her love for Zane to heal him. She longs for her friendship with Alex to be healed, she wants protection for her friend Jason, and for the evil forces to be sent back to their world forever. Through it all, Emma maintains a witty spirit and a she carries a spark that leaves a smile on your face the entire read.
"I should have been dragging the woman out of the restaurant by that point. She screamed bloody murder at the scene. I couldn't blame her, but God help me, I wanted to slap her and tell her to shut the hell up. Some savior of the human race I was."-Emma

Told in multiple POV Unraveled offers up another fresh blend of "comic con" type creatures, fierce action, some sexy heroes, and one bad ass heroine! The characters are well developed and their connections are clearly established throughout the series. There are several secondary characters in this series. I feel that you must be 100 percent invested in order to follow all of the twists and turns in this plot. As the action in the story intensifies, the love story continues to deepen. Emma is obviously meant to be with her first love Zane and yet Alex is able to offer her the comfort and care in her darkest hours. (Not to mention the loyalty and deep friendship she feels for Jason.) My heart broke for these characters as they grappled with finding solace in their situation.

"The fruitless hope that we might be together again was the only thing keeping me connected to the last thread of humanity I had left. I clung to it like a drowning man thrown a life preserver."-Zane

Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend this series to all Paranormal/Sci-Fi fans. This series has vampires, demons, dragons, spirits, elves, and much more. However sexy Emma and Zane are together (or could be together), the romance element is definitely secondary in this series. Although it enhanced the tension in the read, I was sadly disappointed that there wasn't more physical connection between Emma and Zane. I guess we will have to find out what happens in the next installment of the series! The tempo of the writing is steady as the sounds and sites of New York City come to life and battle the mystical creatures of other worlds. You are truly transported to the battle field and immersed into this fantastical mystical world. No doubt the ending left me on pins and needles. My kindle is ready and waiting for more!
~BR with my girl LOYDA!
"ARC kindly provided by Author via Blog Tour, in exchange for an honest review."

BTS is an erotic
thriller. It is a love story, not a romance. Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger and
acts as the backstory to Book 2 & 3.
Spencer. Young,
pretty, introverted. She worked at a
local deli, where she left more broken
plates than collected
tips. Apologizing to aggravated waiters and cowering from
over friendly male clients made up most of her social
interaction. The only
friends she had lived inside the pages of
books or on movie screens, offering
slim comfort during the
long, dark nights of her lonely life. Every two weeks,
postcard was delivered through her mail. She lived for those
Peter Spencer. Her brother, her lifelong protector
and her
only family. The only one who truly knew her, who would
sacrifice it
all for her. Peter made a bad decision, involving
the worst kind of people.
Kayne Malkin. Tall, dark
and handsome. He belonged to the
Organization, the Quebec fraction of a
ruthless Russian
Mafia. He was known for many things. He killed and tortured
for a living. He seduced and destroyed for pleasure. But
above all else, he
built his reputation on one trait only.
Kayne Malkin never lied. Not to the men
he interrogated, not
to the women he set his sights on. He got what he wanted,
while staring them in the eye. Honest and remorseless.
Kayne Malkin’s
assignment: The Peter Spencer case.
On the first warm spring night, while Montreal
celebrated the
passing of winter, Laura reluctantly accepted to accompany a
coworker out on the town. Kayne smirked by himself seeing
her arrive, all
dolled up, looking uncomfortable. Lurking in the
shadows, he patiently waited.
The trap was set.
WARNING: Contains explicit
sexual content, dubious
consent and criminal activities. This series is
for 18+.

L. C. Moon is a graduate of
Concordia University. She lives in Montreal with her husband, black Labrador,
and Calico cat.
She has written several poems and a few short stories. A Bedtime Story is her first novel. As with all her other works, it touches on themes such as forbidden fantasy, duality and inner struggle.
A Bedtime Story is intended as the first installment of the BTS trilogy.
She has written several poems and a few short stories. A Bedtime Story is her first novel. As with all her other works, it touches on themes such as forbidden fantasy, duality and inner struggle.
A Bedtime Story is intended as the first installment of the BTS trilogy.

4.5***Monster Stars
TITLE: A Bedtime Story
GENRE: Dark Erotica BDSM/Twisted
TYPE: Series Book 1 of 3
POV: First Person - Dual
“Maybe I am a monster. But I’m your monster. I’ll fight for you. I’ll kill for you. You’re mine. Always. Wherever you go. I’ll find you. Always. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” Kayne
Kayne Malkin was 30 year old, cold blooded killer who worked for the Russian mob. He was tall, dark, and handsome.Peter Spencer had betrayed the mob and taken some important evidence with him, he just couldn’t handle the woman trafficking and had to get away from all of it. Peter knew the risk he was taking by leaving but he just couldn’t handle it. Therefore he left and had been running for over eight months. Kayne’s latest assignment was to find Peter’s only family, his sister Laura and get Peter’s location from her. When someone betrays the mob they pay with their life and there is no mercy.
Laura Spencer was 23 years old, living on her own with no friends or family other than her brother Peter. Even though she hadn’t seen him for a long time she knew he was on some sort of trouble. Peter would always write her postcards to keep in touch with her but she had to destroy it once she read them. It was the only thing she had from Peter that kept her waking up each morning. Her reality was that she did not have a social life other than work. She had couple of boyfriends that she ended relationships with before they got too serious because she was not able to have children and her past was too dark she didn’t want them to see who she really was. Her childhood left her traumatized grew up with no mother and her father would lock her in a dog cage days at a time as punishment if she didn’t obey. Peter would take some of the punishment and always get her out of the cage. She was traumatized and tried to live her life as normal as possible but she failed miserably. The only person who truly understood her was her brother Peter who at age 16 ran away and came back for her to save her from that miserable life her father had created. I loved Peter so much for it.
“Worse than the fear of the life awaiting her, it was the stab of knowing she was leaving nothing worthy behind that hurt the most” Laura
Kayne was all sorts of frustration, he had no feelings but somehow after watching Laura for two weeks and planning to bring her down to his organization for interrogation he saw something in her that he couldn’t stay away from. He wanted her for him; he wanted to make her his pet, his submissive to do as he pleased. He found out she was damaged and it pained him so. He wanted to help her and the only way he was able to do that was to take her in as a prisoner in his home. He knew that the mob wanted her for trafficking once she spilled where her brother was at and he wasn’t going to let that happened. Yes, he was annoying as hell like if she wouldn’t obey to what he said he would punish her. She was annoying too because she would cry a lot but the truth was she was scared of him having living in an abusing household made her brake easily.
He seduced her to trick her to get the brother’s location and he took care of his assignment which was to get the evidence peter had and kill him.
“He moved down her body, kissing every inch of her, taking her breast in his mouth and swirling his tongue around her nipple as she moaned in response. His fingers then dipped down her belly and touched her wetness as he continued to kiss and nip her firm soft breast….He brought his mouth to her slit, his tongue continuing the sweet torture his fingers had initiated….He licked his lips with delight, staring at her hungrily as he removed his jeans and then lay his body over hers.” Kayne
He promised her he wouldn’t kill him but regardless Peter died even if he didn’t do it himself. Peter knew it was the only way to save his sister and I was a sobbing mess around this. I couldn’t see straight after this chapter. When Laura found out she blamed Kayne and stayed away from him for a month. I didn’t blamed her, I hated him too. Gah…It’s paining me writing this right now, I feel like my chest is going to get out of my skin.
“Take care of her.” Peter
“You have my word.” Kayne
“But he did come back for me. He found me. He saved me…And I didn’t. I didn’t save him…I didn’t…” Laura
Kayne knew that she would never be able to trust him again and he understood but even after he completed his assignment he knew he couldn’t let her go. One, because he was a selfish motherfucker and in a sick way he somehow had fallen in love with her. Two, even if he let her walk away the mob would not want any kind of treat. They will still get rid of her and she will still have to die or worse put on their trafficking business. He wanted to save her so instead he married her. It was the saddest wedding ever. I wanted to punch and hit something. He got promoted a day after the wedding and left her for four weeks. She was already broken after childhood, her brother’s death and now Kayne and this horrific marriage however; she had fallen in love with this monster. She knew there was nothing waiting for her if she left. Kayne gave her the power and money as Mrs. Malkin. She had parties every night shopped every day and pretended her life was amazing while missing her monster who was trying to stay away longer so he didn’t have to see how much he had ruined his love.
“His Laura, he’s loved her with the ferocity of a mother and her defenseless babe. He’s loved her with the awe that brought you to your knees in the presence of the divine. With his entire wretched being, he’d loved her, as a man hopelessly loves a woman. She would never know, she would never hear this from him. This one regret burned him alive as his heart bled out”. Kayne
However, when he finally returned, he was surprised to find a different Laura. She was stronger and determine and she ignored him like he meant nothing to her and that completely pissed him off and made me so happy. Two can play the same game motherfucker. She had hired new help and one girl in particular she purposely had hired her to test Kayne’s trust and see how far he could go at being a monster. Sadly she found it too quick that he was a sick fucker and it was because he couldn’t control her like he always wanted to. He would bend her but would never break her as he wanted to. She became cold and a killer like him. I was so not expecting the ending, like WTF did just happen?!! Honestly, I was shocked but I understood why it had to happen and now I can’t wait for the next book because the weak crying Laura has died with her beast and now the new Laura Kayne Malkin is going to get revenge and I hope everyone pays.
“Mrs. Malkin would rise. Mrs. Kayne Malkin would meet her cursed life in her best attire, with her eyes dry and her hair perfectly set. She would understand the necessity to survive, to remain strong. Mrs. Kayne Malkin would devote the rest of her life to avenge her Master.” Laura
"ARC kindly provided to me by Author L.C., in exchange for an honest review, Thank you so much"
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This is the story of what happens when an unlikely bond is formed between enemies, causing tensions to rise, and igniting a chemistry that threatens to burn them both. Together, they'll learn that sometimes even the best laid plans can fail.
If this NOVEL were a MOVIE, it would have an R rating from the MPAA. Contains: Violence, Grisly Images, Strong Language, Nudity, and Graphic Sexual Content
Is my left hand good enough? I should've trained more with it. Maybe I can get it to my right hand quick enough. Fuck. How quick is he? Fuck! Did he see me moving!?
“You back stabbing thief,” she hissed. She slid her left hand even closer to the side of the trunk.
“Keep 'em coming, sweetheart, I've got fifteen bullets here that are just itching to have a purpose in life. Maybe I'll start by putting one in your right foot, then move up to your left knee. Maybe when I get to your -”
In almost one fluid motion, she reached her hand underneath a flap of material that was hiding a pistol, while at the same time twisting her body and driving her elbow straight up. She caught him in the side of the face with a sharp crack. His hand moved off of her head and she rolled around, whipping her gun into her right hand as she snapped upright. He came around at the same time, shoving his arm straight out and pointing his gun into her face. Her own firearm was pointed right at his throat.
Shit, now what.
They glared at each other for a moment.
“You have two seconds to walk away from this situation,” she breathed, stepping back from the bumper, not lowering her gun. Marc kept his barrel trained on her forehead as he matched her step for step.
“Not gonna happen, princess. Maybe you should walk away, you're in over your head,” he cautioned her, his tone snide. She smirked at him and kept moving, trying to put some distance between them and the car.
“Really? This 'princess' just outsmarted you, twice, in less than five minutes. I think you're in over your head, so back the fuck off,” she growled through clenched teeth.
“Kitty has claws, I like it. But can she pull the trigger?” his tone was questioning as he cocked his head to the side.
That enraged her almost more than anything. More than his deceit. More than his treachery. More than his violence. The disrespect. He'd always treated her as an equal before – now he looked at her and spoke to her like she was a cockroach.
“Try me,” Lily snapped back.
He stared at her for a second longer, then did just that – he let his gun lower and he strode forward, pushing past her as he made his way back towards the vehicle. She was stunned.
“I'm taking this car!” he called out. She whirled around, keeping her gun raised.
“No, you're not! Stop right there!” she demanded. He held up his middle finger.
“Go ahead and sto-”
Lily fired a shot, right over his head. He froze in place mid-stride, then turned his head to the side so he could see her.
“I'm warning you,” she cautioned him. He chuckled, but still didn't move.
“You don't have the balls to shoot me.”
She lowered her gun a couple inches and fired again, directly between his legs. The bullet pinged into the sand at the edge of the road, right in front of him. When she sighted back on his head, he looked decidedly less confident.
“In two minutes, you won't have balls, either.”
Lily didn't want to shoot him, she really didn't. She'd never killed anyone before, and didn't want to start with Marc. She was saving that damnable act for someone very specific. She didn't want to condemn her soul to hell for some piece of shit traitor. Some liar. Some con man.
“Look,” his voice was low, his teeth clenched. “I need what's in that trunk. Whatever deal you have with Ivanov, I can make you a better one.”
“And if I let you take that car, I'm dead. Not winning me over,” she replied.
“No, you can just disappear. Drive off into the sunset, find the nearest plane to take you back to L.A., or wherever you're from. Somewhere safe,” he suggested.
“Not from L.A., and you have one more minute before I blow your nuts off.”
“How did a sweet thing like you get caught up with Ivanov?”
“'Sweet thing' just threatened to shoot you in the testicles. Thirty seconds.”
“Okay! Okay, just take it easy. Maybe we can work out a deal. I'll split them with you, half and half. Just take them out and we'll divide them up.”
“Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?”
“Was worth a shot."
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six ...," Lily began counting down.
Character Inspirations:
Ready Made Guest Posts:
1. This is very different from your previous work – what was your inspiration behind BLP and what kind of research went into writing this book?
I love love LOVE action movies. I wanted something kind of gritty and raw, but I didn't want it to be something that's been done, I didn't want drugs or hitmen. So I went with diamond heist and mercenaries. I wanted Marc to sort of have that John McClane "Die Hard" feel, very "IDGAF and I'll say whatever I want, no matter how un-PC", and I wanted Lily to be beyond badass, almost an anti-hero in her own right.
SO MUCH research went into the book, I had no idea what I was getting into - I just started writing, and then I got to the scene where Marc was in the shower, towards the beginning, and after I wrote it I sort of had a "wait a minute ..." moment and realized there was a distinct possibility they wouldn't have running water. So I started researching Liberia. My mind was blown. So many things in the story changed after that point. I constantly had Google open in one window and Google Maps opened in another window. Virtually every place they go in the book is a real place. For example: when a hotel is described, it is based on a real hotel I found on Trip Advisor and then cross referenced on Google Earth. EVERYTHING was like that. Half of my brain lived in Africa for two months.
About the Author:
Crazy woman living in an
undisclosed location in Alaska (where the need for a creative mind is a
necessity!), I have been writing since ..., forever? Yeah, that sounds about
right. I have been told that I remind people of Lucille Ball - I also see
shades of Jennifer Saunders, and Denis Leary. So basically, I laugh a lot, I'm
clumsy a lot, and I say the F-word A LOT.
I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me.
Yeah. I think that about sums me up.
On Amazon Exclusively - also available in
Kindle Unlimited program for free. $0.99 release price will be good through
Sept. 8th - then it goes up to $2.99.
The author is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card and 2 ARC
copies of Out of Plans (when the ARCs are available and ready)
Direct Link:

"Never be scared. I never want you to be scared, ever again."-Marc
Lily and Marc are both living "undercover" in Liberia. They both are leading different lives and they both work for bad men. Marc is a freelance contractor. He is called in to get a job done quickly and then get out. Simple! However, when he meets Lily, a transporter, at the safe house he is living in nothing is so simple anymore. Lily and Marc share a night of passion before fate deals a "doozy" of a hand to them both!

Lily has been living this life in order to seek revenge. She is insistent on following through with her plans. When she and Marc get tangled up in a wild web of lies, it is unknown if they will end up killing each other or be lost forever in the rapture of passion.

Marc has just completed a major heist when he becomes a pawn in the mafia's plans. He suspects Lily of being involved with his demise. When Marc realizes how deeply entrenched Lily is, he immediately comes at her "guns a blazing"! The only problem is, Lily is no one to be messed with.
"Men were the worst. Men could do whatever they wanted. Men were not to be trusted."-Lily
She is full of fire and she certainly isn't afraid of some mercenary (even if he is one hot lover beneath the sheets). To put it plainly, Lily is quite the bad ass! Marc recognizes right away that he has his hands full with this girl.

"What had turned strawberry shortcake into a fighting machine that did dirty work for a Russian Bratva?"-Marc

As the plot thickens, the action intensifies and neither Marc nor Lily know who they can trust.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"-Lily
"Because I don't want to drag a dead body in this heat.
Keep moving."-Marc
They only known factors are they have feelings for one another and an undeniable attraction to get to know each other as intimately as possible. And yet, surely it is a bad idea to explore that avenue together.
"No sex. Not between us. Not ever again."-Lily

Will Lily be able to get her revenge? Will Marc be able to clear his name? Or will they kill each other before they make it to their destination? And most importantly, can they keep their vow to stay away from each other?
"His voice was soft and simple, and it wasn't exactly poetry, but it caused a pain in her chest. Like he wasn't used to seeing beautiful things. Like she was a gift."

"Only you. Only your eyes."-Marc
Overall, Best Laid Plans is a perfect blend of action, romance, mystery, and suspense. I thoroughly enjoy a read that keeps me engaged and invested the entire time. This action romance kept me on the edge of my seat through each gun fight, car chase, car jacking, and, as I have already mentioned, the steamy sex! Not only is the plot well written (and developed), the characters are complex, gritty, likable and yet (just like I like them) full of flaws. This naturalistic approach to writing makes Ms. Fantome a must read in my book. The text flows between the pages at a fast pace and yet, the tender moments were like a suspended melody constantly battling the upbeat tempo of the action. This magical mixture will keep you engaged the entire read. I simply cannot rave enough about this book. What is most outstanding about this author is her versatility. She is consistently willing to step "out of the box" and commit fully to whatever she writes. I simply cannot wait for more Lily and Marc! To Ms. Fantome, I say "BRING IT!".
~This was another heart stopping BR with my girls from Shh...! Thanks ladies!~
~ARC generously given by author in exchange for an honest review! Thank you Stylo Fantome for sharing your work with me!~

Loyda is currently reading this and loving it so much. Review to be posted.
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Loyda is currently reading this and loving it so much. Review to be posted.
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Cover Reveal
Meet Declan and Elizabeth in Ilsa Madden-Mills
new fighter romance!
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Release Date: October 12th, 2015
A scarred fighter.
A girl with rules.
One night of unbridled passion.
There are three things you need to know about Elizabeth Bennett: she’s smart as a whip, always in control, and lives by a set of carefully crafted rules. She’s learned the hard way that people you love the most always hurt you in the end.
But then she meets Declan Blay, the new neighbor at her apartment complex.
A tattooed British street fighter, he’s the campus bad boy she’s supposed to avoid, but when he saves her from a frat party gone bad, all her rules about sex and love fly out the window.
She gives him one night of unbridled passion, but he longs for more.
With only a cardboard-thin wall separating their bedrooms, he dreams of possessing the vulnerable girl next door forever.
One night. Two damaged hearts. The passion of a lifetime.
About the Author
New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap.
She's addicted to all things fantasy, including unicorns and sword-wielding heroes in books. Other fascinations include frothy coffee beverages, dark chocolate, Instagram, Ian Somerhalder (seriously hot), astronomy (she's a Gemini), Sephora make-up, and tattoos.
She has a degree in English and a Master's in Education.
When she's not pecking away on her computer, she shops for cool magnets, paints old furniture, and eats her weight in sushi.
You can stalk her on her website as well as get signed books:
Twitter: @ilsamaddenmills
Ilsa Madden-Mills’ other books:
One week. No future. No past. No more.
Alexandria Collins has one week to live carefree—no
ghosts of her past or pressures of her future haunting her. Reinventing
herself as "Charli," she is knocked off her feet by a sexy,
mysterious man who brings her pleasure like she never imagined. With her
heart at stake, she forgets that decisions made in the dark of night reappear
in the bright light of day.
"Some of my tastes are unique. They aren’t for everyone. I
understand that.”
Lennox "Nox" Demetri is wealthy, confident,
and decisive—he knows what he wants. From the first time he sees Charli at an
exclusive resort, he knows he wants her. Although he is usually the one to make
the rules, together they agree on one:
One week. No more.
When betrayal comes from those closest to
Alexandria, she must decide how far she is willing to go to survive. Choices
are not always easy, especially when they involve the heart, body, and soul. After
all, Infidelity is a business, and some rules are meant to be broken.
"Is it really cheating if you're doing it to
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling
author Aleatha Romig comes a sexy, new dominant hero who knows what he wants,
and a strong-willed heroine who has plans of her own. With classic Aleatha Romig
twists, turns, deceptions, and devotions, this new epic dark romance will have
readers swooning one minute and screaming the next. Have you been Aleatha'd?
BETRAYAL is a full-length
novel and the first of five in the INFIDELITY series.

Aleatha released
her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a
bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011
through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has
graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her
series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These standalone
thrillers continue Aleatha's twisted style with an increase in heat. In the
fall of 2015, Aleatha will move head first into the world of dark romance with
the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five novel INFIDELITY series.
Aleatha is a "Published Author's Network" member of the Romance Writers of America and represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.
Sam & Mason return in Fallen Crest University!
Now Available!
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Fallen Crest is back with a vengeance!
Samantha, Mason, and Logan are all together and united with one common enemy: Park Sebastian, the king of fraternity douchebags.
With professional football scouts eyeing his every move, Mason Kade has to walk the line for the first time in his life. Any move he makes against Sebastian has to be perfect and under the radar. One mistake, and his career is over.
Sebastian has other plans. Mason’s career isn’t his target—not even close. Wanting to destroy Mason completely, Sebastian knows he must hit him where it hurts the most: Samantha, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass that she’s the target.
Sam is bound and determined to protect Mason herself, no matter the cost, but what if the cost is beyond her imagination? What if this time, the villain wins?
Excerpt One
She was confident. She moved with purpose.
It hit me how much she changed from when she’d moved in with Analise. She’d lost everything. She hadn’t cared about anything, and she had been a badass because of it—striking out, not giving a shit. Logan and I took her in, and then she had something to lose—me. She got scared. She was pushed around by the girls and bullied by her own mother, and through all that crap, she’d still fought. She’d clawed her way back up, protecting and loving Logan and me at the same time.
Good god. I wanted to pull her on top of me. I wanted to lose myself in her.
When I sat on the couch, Sam had a knowing grin, and she sat right where I wanted her, right where maybe she shouldn’t have. My hands held her hips as she straddled me. She looped her arms around my neck and rested her forehead to mine.
Her grin never dimmed, not even as she teased, “Why do I feel like we’re in high school, and I don’t want my mom to catch us making out in the basement?”
Shit, I love this woman.
A smooth and lazy low laugh flitted from her lips. I waited for her to find my mouth with hers, but she didn’t.
She held back and her eyes traced over my face. “What happened today?”
I wasn’t going to tell her. More time. I needed more time.
Excerpt Two
I drew one of his fingers into my mouth. My tongue wrapped around it. I wanted to forget about my afternoon and how I was going to handle that situation. I wanted to get lost in his arms.
Seeing what I wanted, Mason tipped us both back, cradling me on his chest as he lay down. I was securely in his arms, and he rolled me over, so he was looming above me. His eyes darkened, holding my gaze before dropping to my lips where a small smile showed, and I let go of his finger. The ache for him already started inside me.
A knowing grin formed on his face, and without saying a word, he slipped from the bed to lock the door and flip the lights off. My heart started pounding. The need for him was rising between my legs, and I licked my lips, watching as he took his shirt off. He was all muscle. I could make out every single one of them as he came back to me. The flames were growing hotter and hotter. I wanted to slide my hands over every inch of him. I wanted to feel his weight on top of me. I wanted to feel him inside me.
I wanted him to break the fucking bed for me.
Excerpt Three
A shiver went down my back. I hadn’t thought it would get that ugly, but Logan was right. There had been an attempted hit-and-run. A house was burned down. And those had been the opening acts.
Shit got real.
I sucked in my breath. My hand flattened against my stomach—no, that was Mason’s arm. I moved closer to him, edging forward, as Logan was talking. Mason held me back.
I moved back a step, and he glanced down at me. There was a question in his depths. Was I okay?
I nodded, feeling my pulse skyrocket, as Logan’s voice kept repeating, “Prison,” in my mind.
“You think that’s where this is going?”
Logan craned his head to the side. “We’ve been on campus for two days, and both days, we’ve run into you. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, and I think you’re stupid to pretend that they were.”
“What are you saying?”
“Nothing.” Logan looked around to the crowd. “Just telling you that we have no delusions where this is going and that we’re not underestimating you.” He glanced to Mason. “Though, I agree with my brother. I think you’re underestimating us.”
Logan is stalling.
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. So was Mason. That was why his anger subsided. They were waiting for something. I studied Sebastian, and I noticed he was, too. No one was making a move against the other. The crowd grew more restless. They were like me, waiting for the fun to happen—not that it was fun. If this was a preview of what was to come throughout my entire freshman year, this was going to give me a heart attack by the end of the year.
Excerpt Four
In ten.
“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this threesome dynamic,” Logan started.
Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. Logan was too cocky, too sure of himself. Sebastian’s head lifted to the side as he kept skirting among all three of us.
I was next to my brother. They came from the basement section of the bookstore, so Sebastian was blocking his friends from us. His three friends were down a few steps, too far but close enough where they could catch Sebastian.
Logan continued, “But the three of us…” He gestured to all of us. “Well, technically, it’s the Fearsome Foursome with Sam, but she’s not here.” His tone lowered, growing more serious. “And she’s not a part of this, so I guess, right now, you can call us the Threesome Fearsome.”
Sebastian was almost ignoring my brother. He was solely focused on me. Fine. I let him see the threat in me and murmured, “My brother’s not kidding, you know.”
Logan quieted, edging back so that I was now in the front.
“About what?” His tone was clipped.
Sebastian knew. He was remembering Logan’s threat.
I reminded him. “Your sister. Your girlfriend.”
“I don’t have either one of those,” Sebastian shot back.
Logan piped in, “But there’s someone.”
I added, “There’s always someone.”
Sebastian grew silent, looking between the two of us.
Nate spoke up, “They’re talking about who’s vulnerable to you, Sebastian.”
“You shut up,” Sebastian snapped at him. “You left the house. You don’t deserve the right to talk to us.”
His three friends got riled up at that. They moved forward, and I started eyeing the big one closest to Sebastian. He was a big motherfucker.
“Nate never should’ve been with you,” I said, commanding all of their attention. We were close. The camera would rotate back. I wanted their focus on me, not Logan. “That was a mistake he rectified.”
Sebastian’s eyes narrowed to slits. “I’m going to make both of you sorry that you came back here.”
“What about me?” Logan smirked at him.
No. I wanted Sebastian watching me.
He turned. “I already tried to get your acceptance revoked.”
Well, holy shit, I hadn’t expected that response.
Logan opened his mouth. His eyes flashed in anger, and he was going to say something to piss Sebastian off. I blocked him. I needed Sebastian and friends’ eyes on me.
“Time’s up,” I said calmly, quietly.
It worked. They all turned to me, and Sebastian’s eyes widened. He started to rear back—
I rushed forward.
Additional Teasers Quotes (if needed)
Teaser #1:
He was still holding everything back, but I caught a glimpse of his rage. I saw anguish, too. I had hurt him, and that had a lump forming in my throat again. I never wanted to hurt him.
I only wanted to protect him.
Teaser #2:
I loved this man. The harder he went, the more I would unravel for him. The deeper he moved, the more I’d want to match him, thrust for thrust. Harder. Rougher. Deeper. As he moved, so did I.
I took the shot and held it up, but I said to Logan, “You.” I looked at Mason. “You.” I skirted between both of them. “You two are my family. My mom left me. My dad left me. You two stuck around and held me up. You are the definition of family to me. No one else can even come close."
Teaser #3:
When something happened to one of us, it happened to all of us.
Teaser #4:
“Sounds good.” She waved before leaving. “Toodles, Sam…and her superhot boyfriend.”
Mason scowled, but it lacked any heat. “She shouldn’t talk to me like that.”
Putting the package on the desk, I went and curled up in his lap. “She’s a fan. She’s getting over it.”
“Still weird to me.” He studied me for a second, his hand went to my mouth.
"You protect. You take care. You shield those you love. Yes, you’re ruthless. Yes, you go to lengths others don’t, but you do it so that no one—and I mean, no one—can hurt you or even try to hurt you. That’s why you do what you do. That’s why you’re who you are and why you’re loved by me and wanted by so many others. That’s why you’re respected. You protect and you love and you don’t let anyone take that away from you.”
Teaser #5:
She sank back on top of me. Her hands ran underneath my shirt and slipped up, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of her. They were on me, no one else. I had no reason to be jealous or insecure, but damn, I loved knowing she loved me. I loved that I could run my hand down her arm, and she’d gasp from the sensation, like she did just now. I loved that I could linger right above her shorts with my fingers rubbing the skin underneath her shirt, like she was touching me, and her body would begin to tremble, like she was doing now. I loved that, as I laid her down on the cushions and rose above her, blocking her from any views there could be, my fingers could dip inside her shorts and hover over her opening, and she would arch her back up. She would come alive.
Haven’t read this series yet?
Find the series reading order here:
Author Information
I didn't begin writing until after undergraduate college. There'd been storylines and characters in my head all my life, but it came to a boiling point one day and I HAD to get them out of me. So the computer was booted up and I FINALLY felt it click. Writing is what I needed to do. After that, I had to teach myself how to write. I can't blame my teachers for not teaching me all those years in school. It was my fault. I was one of the students that was wishing I was anywhere but at school! So after that day, it took me lots of work until I was able to put together something that resembled a novel. I'm hoping I got it right since someone must be reading this profile! And I hope you keep enjoying my future stories.
Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads
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More Jethro & Nila? Yes Please!
Fourth Debt is LIVE!
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Fifth Book in the New York Times Bestselling Series.
“We’d won. We’d cut through the lies and treachery and promised an alliance that would free us both. But even as we won, we lost. We didn’t see what was coming. We didn’t know we had to plan a resurrection.”
Nila Weaver fell in love. She gifted her entire soul to a man she believed was worthy. And in the process, she destroyed herself. Three debts paid, the fourth only days away. The Debt Inheritance has almost claimed another victim.
Jethro Hawk fell in love. He let down his walls to a woman he believed was his cure. For a moment, he was free. But then he paid the ultimate price.
There is no more love. Only war. Hope is dead. Now, there is only death all around them.
**Only suitable for Dark Romance lovers.
Full length book. Six in series. Fourth Debt is 85,000 words.
FUNNY HOW LIFE plays practical jokes.
The past few days—that had to be a fucking joke, right?
No logical answer would make sense of what I’d seen, heard, and lived the past seventy-two hours.
My sister.
My best friend and twin.
This was what she’d been living with? This was how she’d been treated?
This was what she wanted to return to?
Motherfucking why? Why would she ever want to return to this insanity?
We’d been raised in a broken home, chained to an empire that absorbed us right from birth. But we were kept safe, warm, and loved. We grew up together. We shared everything.
But now…I had no fucking clue who my sister was.
But then she came to me.
A woman I never knew existed.
The most stunning creature I’d ever seen.
Only she didn’t come to me on feet or wings of an angel. She rolled into my life and demanded my help.
And for better or for worse…
I helped her.
Daniel cackled like a mad hyena, his fingers stabbing into my bicep. Without breaking his stride, he stole me further away from the parlour and into the bowels of the house.
I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to go anywhere with him.
“Take me back!”
He can’t be dead!
Just because he lay unmoving and bloody didn’t mean he was gone.
That’s exactly what it means.
I shook my head, dislodging those awful thoughts. He’s alive. He had to be.
I couldn’t tolerate any other answer. I refused to live in a world where evil triumphed over good. That wasn’t right—life couldn’t be that cruel.
It’s always been that way.
My mind filled with images of my mother. My father’s desolation. My broken childhood. Evil had puppeteered us from day one. Why should now be any different?
He’s not dead!
I swallowed a sob.
Please don’t be dead…
I fought harder. “Let me see him. You can’t do this!”
Daniel cackled louder. “Keep begging, Weaver. Won’t do you any good.”
He’s not dead!
I locked my knees, fighting him every step. “Stop!” Looking back the way we’d come, the door to the parlour seemed so far away—a bright beacon at the end of a festering corridor. “They were your brothers, you insane psychopath. Don’t you feel anything?!”
Please let me go to him. He has to be alive…
Please let my twin stay alive…
Let all of this be a nightmare!
I couldn’t cope with Jethro murdered; I’d go clinically insane if they killed V, too.
“I feel relief. I no longer have to put up with their simpering bullshit.” He flashed his teeth. “Cut did us all a favour.”
Cut will die.
He was evil incarnate. He deserved to die in excruciatingly painful ways.
I refuse to believe they’re dead.
“I said stop!” I wriggled harder, only succeeding in Daniel’s fingers tearing into my flesh. Goosebumps covered my skin while ice steadily froze my veins. Every second was endless torture. I couldn’t live without Jethro.
It can’t end like this!
“You won’t win, Weaver.” Daniel tugged harder. “Accept what’s fucking happened and obey me.”
Excerpt #2
Cut shook his head, looking at his mother. “They never fucking learn.”
Bonnie laughed. “Neither did you, dear. Not for a long time.”
He wrapped an arm around her brittle shoulders. “I can’t imagine ever being so terrible.”
My fingernails dug into my palm as I witnessed a seemingly normal bond. How could evil have so many layers? How could it be so obvious one moment, then hidden by family ties and hierarchy the next?
Bonnie tapped her cane against Cut’s foot. “You’re not forgetting what you did, are you? Because I have news for you—you were worse. A lot worse.” Moving forward, she dislodged his hold. “But I straightened out the mess you made. I put things right. I have every faith you will, too.”
Cut nodded. “Damn right, I will.” His eyes strained but apart from a few cracks in his smooth veneer, I would never have guessed he’d pulled the trigger on two of his children.
He’s dead.
He’s dead.
All because of me.
Inching closer to Jasmine, I whispered so only she would hear. “He tried to shoot you, but Jethro saved you. Do you have no shame?”
Her eyes zeroed in on mine. Thoughts and emotions flickered over her face but she didn’t reply.
Her betrayal hurt. Jethro and Kes had loved her. They’d died for her. Who could claim to love them in return yet continue to be in the same house as the man who’d shot them?
My stomach twisted. “You make me sick.”
Her hands tightened around the rims of her wheels. Shutters slammed over her eyes, but still no response.
Tears stung but I had nothing else to say. Only one promise that she might as well hear, so she’d know who truly loved her brother. “I’ll kill you for this. Just like I’ll kill them.”
Series Reading Order
Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) FREE
First Debt (Indebted #2)
Second Debt (Indebted #3)
Third Debt (Indebted #4)
Fourth Debt (Indebted #5)
About the Author:
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Her Grey Romance books include:

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My Rating: 5***Emotional ~ Heartbreak Stars
Title: Fourth Debt
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Type: Book 5 of 6 from Indebted series
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Type: Book 5 of 6 from Indebted series
POV: First Person – Dual

If you are following the series by now you know the ending on the last book left everyone broken and in pain. The first ten percent of this book I was a sad bubbling mess. The author takes you right back where the last book ended and the pain started all over again. I am fully invested on this series and I refused to wait until the next book so I dived in as soon as I got it. Going in I was already preparing myself to endure more torture but never imagine what it was in store for Nila. Minor spoiler if you have not read the series so read at your own risk.
Nila Weaver, was left with a broken heart after the love of her life has been taken from her by his own father. She was left alone to deal with this crazy family. Her lost made her mad and angry and all she wanted was revenge against this awful family who didn’t think twice about hurting their own blood. Cut, his evil mother Bonnie and youngest son Daniel enjoyed torturing Nila as much as they could while they could; they took pleasure using her to cause pain mentally and physically.Nila, thought she was strong enough to endure anything because she believe she could not be broken; she believed with all her heart that she could avenged her lover ”Jethro”.
“While they plotted, I plotted…Together, we would meet in hell, and I was past caring who would win.” Nila
Nila’s twin brother Vaughn was captured and kept as prisoner as well but away from her. He was forced to witness some of the torments she had to go through and that only made her fight harder so he wouldn’t get hurt. I was in tears all over again seeing how much she had to put up with and having no power to change the inevitable. This entire book was full of sorrow and even after all my tears had dried I still had to continue this madness that Pepper started. I just wanted it all to end to be over, how much more pain could Nila take before she was no longer a human. For me this book was hard to read because I was feeling so many emotions and I was hurting for this broken girl that only wanted her lover back and wanted this evil family to stop their madness.

There was some twists and turns that I was not expecting, some craziness I just can’t get out of my mind. There was a new character we hadn’t met before and I truly liked. He was a true hero in my eyes. And then there were some happy times I truly enjoyed and devoured every second of them. I was already waiting for this ending, yes it ends in another u>cliffhanger so be warned. I was not as shocked as I thought I would be however; I was anxious because now all I could think of is how on earth is this series going to end?! So many questions and no answers I guess I will have to sit patiently and wait for the last book that will complete this crazy roller coaster ride. I just know the last book in this series is going to be EPIC.

SIDE NOTE: Of course listening to this music while reading this book did not helped my crying heart lol
"ARC kindly provided via TRSOR blog tour, in exchange for an honest review".
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FIRST DEBT (Indebted #2)
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SECOND DEBT (Indebted #3)
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THIRD DEBT (Indebted #4)
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FOURTH DEBT (Indebted #5)
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Meet Chance in COCKY BASTARD!
A standalone Contemporary Romance novel by
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Authors
Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
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Read Chapter One of Cocky Bastard HERE:
He was someone who belonged in my wildest fantasies instead of a rest stop in the middle of Nebraska.
A sexy, cocky, Australian named Chance was the last person I expected to run into on my cross-country drive.
When my car broke down, we made a deal. Next thing I knew, we were traveling together, spending sexually-tense nights in hotels and taking unplanned detours.
My ordinary road trip turned into the adventure of a lifetime. It was all fun and games until things got intense.
I wanted him, but Chance wouldn’t make a move. I thought he wanted me too, but something was holding him back.
I wasn’t supposed to fall for the cocky bastard, especially when I knew we’d be going our separate ways.
All good things must come to an end, right?
Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.
Excerpt #1
A knock at the door made me jump.
With a huff, I got out of bed and stood on my tiptoes to look out the peephole. Why were those things always so high on the door anyway? I was surprised to find no one standing on the other side. Maybe I’d imagined it.
Another knock.
I flicked on the lights. The sound wasn’t coming from the entrance door. It was coming from an interior door I hadn’t even noticed before.
Chance’s door.
I unfastened the top lock and cracked it open just enough so I could see what he wanted. And there he stood.
Wearing only dark gray boxer briefs that hugged him like a second skin.
It took a minute to understand what he was doing there, even though he was holding up a toothbrush in question.
“I thought we had established I wasn’t a serial killer already.”
I opened the door wider.
He smiled.
Oh lord. Stop that. Right now.
“I must have left my toothpaste in my saddlebag in the car.”
I swallowed hard. “Uh huh.”
He cocked his head to the side, and his brows dipped in. “Can I borrow yours?”
“Oh. Yeah, sure.”
He walked past me and let himself into my bathroom. I waited at the door.
“You got an awful lot of girly crap in here for one night,” he said with a jumbled mouth full of toothpaste from the bathroom. “Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia.”
He was reading my Estee Lauder perfume bottle.
I heard him rinse and spit. Then there was a gargling sound. He used my mouthwash, too. Sure, help yourself.
He walked out and flicked off the bathroom light. “Is tuberose a rose?”
I shook my head, still confused by the whole situation going on.
“That’s why,” he murmured.
“Why what?”
“I couldn’t figure out what you smelled like all day. Not sure I ever smelled a Tuberose before.” He shrugged and walked back into his room but not before turning back. “Even those little black lacy underwear smell like tuberose.”
My eyes bulged. I’d taken off my bra and panties and left them on the bathroom counter.
“Relax. I’m teasing. Do I look like an underwear sniffer to you?”
“Night, Aubrey.” He graced me with a dimple and disappeared.
AH-BREE. Damn him.
I locked the door and checked it twice, unclear if it was for my safety or his. His voice saying my name was on audio replay inside my head, getting softer and softer like a soothing lullaby with each breath as I drifted off to dreamland.
Until the knock came again.
About the Authors:
Vi Keeland
Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!
Additional Books by Vi Keeland
Life on Stage series (2 standalone books)
Amazon US:
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Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:
MMA Fighter series (3 standalone books)
Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter Series, Book One)
Barnes & Noble:
Smashwords -
Worth The Chance (MMA Fighter Series, Book Two)
Amazon US:
Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter Series, Book Three)
Amazon US:
B & N:
The Cole Series (2 book serial)
Belong to You (Cole Series, Book One)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Made for You (Cole Series, Book Two)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Standalone novels
Left Behind (A Young Adult Novel)
Amazon US:
First Thing I See
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:
Meet Penelope Ward
Penelope Ward is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family-friendly career. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 10-year-old girl with autism and a 9-year-old boy. Penelope and her family reside in Rhode Island.
Other books from Penelope Ward:
Stepbrother Dearest
Jake Undone (Jake #1)
My Skylar
Jake Understood (Jake #2)
$100 Amazon Gift Card

My rating: 5***Beautiful Second Chance ~ Stars
TITLE:Cocky Bastard
AUTHOR:Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
GENRE:Contemporary Romance
POV:First Person – Dual
“Do you want to keep me, or will you throw me away?” Chance

Aubrey “AH-BREE” Bloom, is on a road trip to a new life in California. A new job for a new law firm waits for her. She decided to leave her past behind after a bad relationship left her wanting a fresh new start. On her trip to California she made a stop in Nebraska and meets this HOT, Beautiful, Australian, and Cocky man that you only see in movies. Her first impression of him was that he was Cocky and full of himself. It annoyed her because she instantly felt attracted to him. Well I would be the same way if I ever find a blue eye, deep dimples, and a body to die for. He was just simply beautiful and irresistible with his Australian accent.

Chance Bateman a twenty-eight; retired from professional soccer in Australia was traveling to his home in California when his motorcycle died on him. He didn’t know if it was luck or faith or coincidence but he meets Aubrey on the road to his destination and makes a deal with her; they will ride together and he will make sure that she makes it there safe considering the drive to California was long and a woman on her own was not safe. She was skeptical but decided she liked him and took a chance. Chance was absolutely an eye catcher from the beginning he made me laugh so much. He would mess around with Aubrey and his accent drove her mad but in the good way.

Change and Aubrey, find a GOAT in the road and this just made the book so much interesting. I fell in love with this cute little thing and both of them were just hilarious when it came down to the Goat. They take a detour to "Las Vegas" before they reached California with their new baby Goat. Aubrey knew not to get too close to Chance after her bad breakup but she really felt a magnetic pulled and an attraction to him. Chance made her heart beat and he made her feel alive. Even thought she did not know if they would be seeing each other after they make it to California she still really wanted to find out and wanted to hope. She opens up to him, he loved flirting with her and making her laugh. The entire road trip just fascinated me, I think my cheeks hurt so much from laughing and grinning by the time I finished reading this book. Chance starts feeling the same ways for “AH-BREE” but a dark secret is keeping him from letting her in and continue something he knew that couldn’t happen even if he wanted to. It was frustrating trying to figure out his secret.

They ended up having the best last night of their life and the worse in Las Vegas. I was full of emotions half way on this book but the second half is told from Chance’s point of view and I didn’t think I could possibly love him more. Yes, what he did made me mad but he had a good reason. He went through so much to earn Aubrey’s trust back to the point that I wanted to slap her and tell her to wake up and see the big picture. This beautiful man would basically do anything for her and she just couldn’t see it. He basically returned and stalked her and fought hard for her. I completely loved this book from beginning to end. It was so different, fresh, funny, sexy and these two characters were both great. The events that occurred at the end had me a bit nervous but it all ends up being wrapped up so well and beautifully I loved every single minute of it. I would most defiantly recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a second change story, a story of true love, forgiveness and who don’t mind a cocky beautiful Australian accent making you laugh the entire time and a blind cute Goat added to the picture.

"ARC kindly provided via TRSOR blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."
Book Order: Standalone

My rating: 5***Beautiful Second Chance ~ Stars
TITLE:Cocky Bastard
AUTHOR:Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland
GENRE:Contemporary Romance
POV:First Person – Dual
“Do you want to keep me, or will you throw me away?” Chance

Aubrey “AH-BREE” Bloom, is on a road trip to a new life in California. A new job for a new law firm waits for her. She decided to leave her past behind after a bad relationship left her wanting a fresh new start. On her trip to California she made a stop in Nebraska and meets this HOT, Beautiful, Australian, and Cocky man that you only see in movies. Her first impression of him was that he was Cocky and full of himself. It annoyed her because she instantly felt attracted to him. Well I would be the same way if I ever find a blue eye, deep dimples, and a body to die for. He was just simply beautiful and irresistible with his Australian accent.

Chance Bateman a twenty-eight; retired from professional soccer in Australia was traveling to his home in California when his motorcycle died on him. He didn’t know if it was luck or faith or coincidence but he meets Aubrey on the road to his destination and makes a deal with her; they will ride together and he will make sure that she makes it there safe considering the drive to California was long and a woman on her own was not safe. She was skeptical but decided she liked him and took a chance. Chance was absolutely an eye catcher from the beginning he made me laugh so much. He would mess around with Aubrey and his accent drove her mad but in the good way.

Change and Aubrey, find a GOAT in the road and this just made the book so much interesting. I fell in love with this cute little thing and both of them were just hilarious when it came down to the Goat. They take a detour to "Las Vegas" before they reached California with their new baby Goat. Aubrey knew not to get too close to Chance after her bad breakup but she really felt a magnetic pulled and an attraction to him. Chance made her heart beat and he made her feel alive. Even thought she did not know if they would be seeing each other after they make it to California she still really wanted to find out and wanted to hope. She opens up to him, he loved flirting with her and making her laugh. The entire road trip just fascinated me, I think my cheeks hurt so much from laughing and grinning by the time I finished reading this book. Chance starts feeling the same ways for “AH-BREE” but a dark secret is keeping him from letting her in and continue something he knew that couldn’t happen even if he wanted to. It was frustrating trying to figure out his secret.

They ended up having the best last night of their life and the worse in Las Vegas. I was full of emotions half way on this book but the second half is told from Chance’s point of view and I didn’t think I could possibly love him more. Yes, what he did made me mad but he had a good reason. He went through so much to earn Aubrey’s trust back to the point that I wanted to slap her and tell her to wake up and see the big picture. This beautiful man would basically do anything for her and she just couldn’t see it. He basically returned and stalked her and fought hard for her. I completely loved this book from beginning to end. It was so different, fresh, funny, sexy and these two characters were both great. The events that occurred at the end had me a bit nervous but it all ends up being wrapped up so well and beautifully I loved every single minute of it. I would most defiantly recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a second change story, a story of true love, forgiveness and who don’t mind a cocky beautiful Australian accent making you laugh the entire time and a blind cute Goat added to the picture.

“A single minute can change an entire life. Yet, I still feel like somehow we would have met anyway….because I know now that you’re my soulmate.”Aubrey

"ARC kindly provided via TRSOR blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."
Book Order: Standalone

THE LESSONS by Elizabeth Brown

Things weren’t exactly going according to my Plan, so I did what most Americans do when confronted with a problem : I hired someone else to fix it.
Except ‘it’ was my virginity.
And that ‘someone else’ was a sex surrogate.
I should have known the answer wouldn’t be that simple.
Stand-alone book 1 in The Forbidden series
Want to read the first pages of Hollywood Dirt?
Click below to check out the book's launch page!
You can read the Prologue and first chapter there!

Also, be sure to add Hollywood Dirt to your Goodreads list - it is coming out on September 7th! The cover will be revealed very, very soon!
Hollywood Dirt:
Release Date: Sept 7th
Pricing: $2.99 on pre-order, $3.99 on release, $4.99 on Sept 15th
Standalone: YES
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 100,000 words
Cole Masten. Married to Nadia Smith. One half of Hollywood’s golden couple. The press adored them, fans worshiped them, the box office was owned by them. Together, they could do no wrong.
Cole Masten. Abandoned by Nadia Smith. Hollywood’s Perfect Husband is now Hollywood’s Sexiest Bachelor: partying hard and screwing even harder. Move over Colin Farrell, there’s a new bad boy ruling Los Angeles.
Summer Jenkins. That’s me, a small town girl stuck in Quincy, Georgia. I cook some mean chicken and dumplins, can bluff a grown man out of his savings in poker, and was voted Most Friendly my senior year. Other than that… I don’t have too much going on.
We were from different worlds. Our lives shouldn’t have collided. But when Cole Masten’s jet landed in our country airport, we all sat up in our rocking chairs and watched. And when I got a front row ticket to the action, I jumped at the chance. I didn’t expect Cole Masten to be an ass, or to pursue me, or for everything to get tangled up around set riggings, camera cords and heartstrings.
Sometimes, opposites just aren’t meant to attract.
What started out as a deal quickly became a friendship that conquered monsters.
I killed, but I escaped hell.
Emotionless. Disconnected. Cold. A mannequin. It’s what I’d become in order to survive the years held in captivity. I was able to endure the abuse and devastating loss as long as I remained detached.
But he wouldn't let me.
Crisis, the bass guitarist in my brother’s rock band, Tear Asunder. He’s cocky, rude, a total man-whore. But the rock star has far more beneath the surface of his inked skin, and he’s determined to make me laugh again.
He made me a "deal", but really, it was blackmail.
His terms were simple. Until his playful honesty became the building blocks to something unexpected. Something strong enough to pull me from the eye of the storm.
Because even though I escaped years of abuse, it didn’t mean I was free.
For mature audiences only.
Shattered by You is written as a standalone, however, it is recommended you read the Tear Asunder books in order.
*Contains spoilers for "Overwhelmed by You"*
This is a Contemporary Romance.
Prologue~Upping the Ante by Sarah Elizabeth
I glanced back one final time at the place I’d called home for the past thirty days and wondered if it was such a great idea to be leaving it behind. At least the people inside the building knew I existed.
While making my way out through the wooden gate onto the sidewalk, I lowered my duffle bag down to the ground and took a seat on the small brick wall beside the white picket fence that surrounded the property.
This day was a new beginning so they kept telling me, but I knew different. It wasn’t a new beginning—not by a long shot. Everything would just go back to the way it was before and, sooner or later, I would be headed back inside that same building I’d only seconds ago walked out from and nothing would have changed. My life would still be stuck on a constant repeat, like in that movie when every day started out just the same as the last.
I sure as hell wasn’t under any illusions and hadn’t been expecting any miracles to happen. Actually, I was surprised when I heard the low rumbling sound of the engine as he parked the car up by the side of the street. He was later than he said he was going to be, but earlier than he usually was.
It was always the same.
If he’d told me that he was going to be picking me up from some place at five, he would either arrive an hour after that, or call and tell me that I’d have to make my own way back. If I hadn’t needed somewhere to stay then I wouldn’t have minded him not showing up at all.
Let me tell you something —there was no worse a feeling than knowing that you never really belonged. That you were never accepted as a part of the family you were born into. That you were the loner. The disappointment. The one he blamed for something that was completely out of your control.
When I heard him cut the engine, I exhaled a breath and reached down to grab hold of my bag, tossing it over my left shoulder again as I took a hesitant step toward the black BMW. I lifted my gaze as soon as the door clicked open, then felt my brow furrow deeper with my confusion when I saw who had climbed out of the driver’s seat.
“What are you doing here?” I questioned at the same time my jaw clenched together tight. I glanced up and down the street a few times, thinking that there must have been some kind of mistake, but there were no other vehicles in sight. “Where’s my father?” I asked, my voice louder the second time, but he didn’t respond or look my way once as he made his way toward the trunk. Figured. It seemed that I was just as invisible to him as I was to practically everybody else.
I stayed where I was standing on the pavement, watching him with narrowing eyes as he eventually walked over to me, closing the distance between us while reaching out to take hold of my bag.
“You’re looking well, kid,” he finally acknowledged, retreating back a couple of steps when my grip on the strap noticeably tightened some more. I began to shake my head because it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was trying to do. He was trying to avoid answering my original question. He couldn’t even look me in the eye, though I guess he didn’t need to. I already knew the answer.
My father wasn’t coming.
As he rested his hand firmly on my right shoulder, my gaze fell to the ground.
It had been eight years. I hadn’t seen my uncle in more than eight years, yet he was the one who’d come to collect me. Him—not my father.
A couple of minutes of silence passed by before I finally backed down and admitted defeat. I realized that if I didn’t leave with him then I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Taking a step away, I threw my bag inside the trunk, then slammed it closed with pure frustration before striding toward the passenger side door that he was already holding open for me.
My right shoulder bumped against his left as I pushed by him, slumping myself down in the seat as I reached behind me for the belt. I yanked it hard and wrapped it over my body, keeping my gaze firmly fixed on the windshield ahead of me.
“This is your final chance, kid,” my uncle said as he leaned in closer, his voice much quieter than it had been out on the sidewalk.
What he’d said made the corners of my mouth instantly twist up at the sides—so much so that I had to fight back the incredible urge I had to laugh out loud as I brought my attention back on him.
“That’s funny because I don’t remember ever being given a first one.”
He knew just as well as I did that the words I’d spoken were the truth, and I watched on as an apologetic look briefly crossed inside his eyes. After a moment, he broke our eye contact and took a step away, closing the door back up without another word spoken.
As I watched him walk around the front of the car, my gaze came to rest on the top middle window of the five story house.
She was there, just like she’d promised she was going to be. Her long blonde hair was half covering her face and she remained sitting in the window seat of my old room, watching me. The sad, tight smile she offered as she began to wave goodbye told me that she’d been sitting there long enough to witness mine and my uncle’s exchange and my lips immediately pulled into a frown.
I didn’t rake my gaze away from her blue eyes once as the car began to move forward, pulling out and away from the only person who’d ever been there for me. Understood me. The only person who had ever truly got me.
The car slowed until it reached a complete standstill, but my eyes remained closed. I’d been sitting like this for most of the ride. The conversation during the drive across town had been unsurprising short and very much one-sided. While my uncle did all the talking, I did all the listening. It pretty much reminded me of what my life was like before.
The only time I’d reacted was when he told me that I would be staying with him and his family for the next three years. It was at that point that I’d had no choice but to laugh hard in his face. Truth be told, I had admired his optimism, yet in reality we both knew that I wouldn’t be able to last that long. It was likely that I wouldn’t be in town for longer than three weeks, let alone years. He knew it. I knew it. Everybody who had ever crossed paths with Ashton Preston Walker knew that he—that I—was destined for nothing but failure.
“Are you ready to come inside?” I heard him ask from the seat beside me, and I reluctantly opened my eyes. There was another long, drawn out silence—almost like he was waiting for me to say something back—but I didn’t. I wasn’t a talker. I never had been. If anything, I was a thinker and admittedly at times, an over thinker. He and the rest of them would learn that about me soon enough. “All right. In your own time, kid.” He added through what sounded like a defeated sigh.
From the corner of my eye I saw him nod the one time before turning away and climbing out onto the sidewalk, leaving me alone in the car; alone and drowning in my own thoughts. Those same thoughts that had consumed my mind for as long as I could remember.
I blew a slow breath out through my mouth and kept my head rested back against the seat, staring out at the bright blue skies ahead of me.
One day, I kept telling myself.
One day he would see me and accept me for who I really was. He would see that he was wrong about me. He would understand that what happened that day wasn’t my fault.
One day, he would show me that he cared—he would love me like a father’s supposed to love his son.
Someday, I told myself.
Someday, I would be happy to be alive.
What started out as a deal quickly became a friendship that conquered monsters.
I killed, but I escaped hell.
Emotionless. Disconnected. Cold. A mannequin. It’s what I’d become in order to survive the years held in captivity. I was able to endure the abuse and devastating loss as long as I remained detached.
But he wouldn't let me.
Crisis, the bass guitarist in my brother’s rock band, Tear Asunder. He’s cocky, rude, a total man-whore. But the rock star has far more beneath the surface of his inked skin, and he’s determined to make me laugh again.
He made me a "deal", but really, it was blackmail.
His terms were simple. Until his playful honesty became the building blocks to something unexpected. Something strong enough to pull me from the eye of the storm.
Because even though I escaped years of abuse, it didn’t mean I was free.
For mature audiences only.
Shattered by You is written as a standalone, however, it is recommended you read the Tear Asunder books in order.
*Contains spoilers for "Overwhelmed by You"*
This is a Contemporary Romance.
Release Date: June 29, 2015
A priest cannot marry. A priest cannot abandon his flock. A priest cannot forsake his God.
I've always been good at following rules.
Until she came.
My name is Tyler Anselm Bell. I'm twenty-nine years old. Six months ago, I broke my vow of celibacy on the altar of my own church, and God help me, I would do it again.
I am a priest and this is my confession.
***Priest is a standalone, full-length novel with a HEA. For mature audiences only.***
Subject: Justin Timberlake Nudes!
Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you'd open this email faster if I tempte
d you with a glimpse of JT's "PP". Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share.
As of tomorrow, I'll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there's one itty bitty problem: I won't be Lorena's assistant. I'll be working for her older brother, Julian.
I know what you're thinking- "But Jo, what's the problem?"
Google him. Now. He's the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there's hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling...Do you see those dimples? Yup. That's the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning.
Lord, help us all...
This book is rated 18+ for explicit sexual situations and language. Reader discretion is advised.
Release Date: July 1, 2015
Since devastating secrets were uncovered by Nora Kessler, Niklas Fleischer and Victor Faust have been divided as business partners and brothers. But ultimately Niklas is persuaded to lead a mission to Italy, and he sees it as an opportunity to set in motion forgiveness—or retribution—for his brother’s betrayal.
The mission: play the role of a wealthy German investor and kidnap a beautiful, notorious madam named Francesca Moretti. No stranger to these types of roles, Niklas is the best man for the job, but this time the risks will be much greater as he will not be doing it alone. Izabel Seyfried, still fresh out of a life of imprisonment and sex slavery, could be negatively affected by the things she will see in Moretti’s mansion, and Niklas must keep her in line so she does not blow their cover and get them killed.
But Niklas isn’t the only one who must play a role—Nora takes on the humiliating task of playing Niklas’s slave, and Izabel must play the role of his lover.
On one hand, Niklas couldn’t be enjoying himself more. On the other hand, the emotions that continue to rage inside of him may be too much for him to control, and it may be Niklas—not Izabel—who needs to be kept in line. He cannot forget what Victor has done, and this mission may just be the beginning of his downward spiral.
Can the blood bond that Niklas and Victor share as brothers be stronger than resentment? Or will vengeance dig the blade so deep that their bond be eternally severed?
Previous titles in the The Company of Killers:
About the Author
J.A. Redmerski, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author lives in North Little Rock, Arkansas with her three children, two cats and a Maltese. She is a lover of television and books that push boundaries and is a huge fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead.
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