Friday, December 4, 2015


My Rating 5***Unforgettable Hawk redeemer Stars

Title: Final Debt 
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Type: Last book 6 of 6 on the Indebted Series
POV: First Person – Dual (shifting)


“Fate had decided we were matched. And we’d fulfilled that prophecy by falling head over fucking heels.” Jethro


Final Debt is the last installment of this captivating series. I wasn’t sure what to except going into this but what I read defiantly exceeded my expectation. This book, just WOW was absolutely amazing packed with suspense, action, and love yes sweet love. All the secrets finally came out and so many things happened I was a complete anxious mess. My anxiety levels were high up in the sky with all the events and boy did we get an unforgettable finale?! Oh YES we do. It was completely worth the wait and heart break we endured during the series. I am so sad this series has come to an ending but also because there was one part on this book that completely utterly broke me for life. I don’t know that it had to happen but it made this book so much memorable defiantly something I would never forget and cry all my life over it.

This book picks up right where book five ended; the beginning was so depressing I desperately wanted, needed salvation a miracle or something. Nila Weaver was taken from London by Cut and Daniel to Africa; she was alone and had no hope in surviving this madness. However; she wasn’t giving up this fight so easily. No matter how much torture she endured she continue to fight because love and hope was much stronger than death. Nila was so much stronger on this book; she was a total badass I adore her for it. She had grown so much from the beginning and made this book an epic story with her amazing survivor actions. 

“I was alive. I was dead. I was reborn.” Nila


Jethro Hawk was under a time bomb; he thought he had time to save his love ones. He had a plan but time was always against him. He was desperate trying to save the love of his life and his brother and sister from his evil family. The extend of what he went through to rescue Nila and saved his family gutted me. My man got hurt, injured, flew countries to try to save her and at omg the anxieties were so high I was biting my nails the entire time. My heart was in my throat I was a mess. 

“I would breathe, but I would die….My heart would split open…I knew what hell was.” Jethro


He finally finds Nila and they had amazing heated moments I was trying to enjoy it but at the same time I was freaking out like watching a scary movie where the monster is coming right behind them and if they don’t run fast enough they will die?! Yeah I felt like that the entire time. It was a total roller coaster ride. However; in the midst of it all they managed to keep their hopes and love alive.

“I kissed her. The instant my lips touched hers, it was if a nuclear explosion mushroomed inside her.” Jethro


You do not want to miss out on this EPIC finale. The author manages to suck you into this book from beginning to end. This book is an endless roller coaster ride that will have you on the edge of your seat cheering for your favorite team Nila and Jethro. So many things happened I cannot tell you enough how much I loved this final book. It was the best; it had everything we have been wanting from the beginning of the series and you will not be disappointing the way the author managed to put this finally together. Final Debt was a complete stunning ending and it will forever stay in my heart, it sealed the ending of the Debt Inheritance series and it was the best. 

“We each had our craters and defects from war. But we would wear them with pride.” Nila


"ARC kindly provided via TRSOR blog tour, in exchange for an honest review."

Book series order:

Debt Inheritance (Indebted, #1) by Pepper WintersFirst Debt (Indebted, #2) by Pepper WintersSecond Debt (Indebted, #3) by Pepper WintersThird Debt (Indebted, #4) by Pepper WintersFourth Debt (Indebted, #5) by Pepper WintersFinal Debt (Indebted, #6) by Pepper WintersIndebted Epilogue (Indebted, #7) by Pepper Winters

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