~5 Daring Stars~
“To girls with broken hearts and vengeful souls. Go forth and raise hell.”-Alessandra Torre
If You Dare is the third book in the Deanna Madden Series. InIf You Dare, Deanna shocks us once again with her flair for blood, desire for love, and unending quest for normalcy.
"I AM NOT a normal individual. I've known that for quite some time."-Deanna
"I love him because he looks at me like I am normal."-Deanna
One year after Do Not Disturb and Deanna has finally found a slice of happiness with Jeremy. Although she recognizes she will never have the entire pie, she is able to find a steady routine that keeps her illness under control. She has maintained a friendship with Mike and sustained her routine therapy sessions with Dr. Derek. Just when we think everything might just turn out alright for our devilish heroine, in true Deanna style, everything comes crashing down.
"My love for him is selfish and wishful. His love for me is pure and naive."-Deanna
Deanna must find the inner strength to recognize exactly "who she is" and "who she can never be". However strong her love for Jeremy "might" or "might not be", she is forced to reconcile the delicate balance between love and reality.
"I'm sorry that my heart is black and I didn't let you see that until now."-Deanna
Told in multiple POV, If You Dare is a stunning addition to this series. The text is thick with tender emotion, action, and wicked sex! Deanna is a complex character and to experience her interactions with her "friends" and "neighbors" is like nothing you have ever experienced before. Deanna's inner monologue will keep you laughing, crying, and cringing from one beat to the next. Each moment is sequenced with ease as the story shifts between the present and the past. The anticipation of not knowing what happened until the very end will keep you glued to the text. The dynamics between the tender moments are such a stark contrast to the blood lust Deanna experiences throughout the read. This causes any "normal individual" to struggle with the knowledge of knowing "what you want for Deanna" but also knowing "what is best for Deanna". However hard I tried to come to terms with that central question, the result was always the same. Deanna is unique and powerful creature and she will never be held down by any person or thing.
"I will not be harnessed, I will not be kept; I am freedom, and my name is Deanna."-Deanna
What is most notable about the Deanna Madden Series is the relationships between Deanna and the three men in her life. Throughout each book in the series we have been witness to the growth Deanna and three men. Her friend Mike, Dr. Derek, and Jeremy. Each individual plays a significant role in her life. I have adored every second of this series and If You Dare only strengthened my love for Deanna and my addiction to escaping to her world.
"The madness in me, it is pushing, stretching, filling my body down new and unique paths, my skin growing accustomed to its heat, it's darkness."-Deanna
Overall, If You Dare is a must read for readers who love a suspenseful erotic thriller! If you are willing to live beyond the fringe, Deanna will take you there. Alessandra Torre is a brilliant author who never fails to amaze me. Her writing style is diverse, unique, and rich with description. I simply devoured this read and I can only hope that there will be more to come for Deanna. I am rooting for her. I will never stop rooting for her!
***Deanna Madden Series***
~ARC graciously provided from the author in exchange for an honest review! Thank you AT for sharing your work with me!!!~
~F (BR) with Shh... in honor of The Deanna Madden Series Epic WORLDWIDE (F) buddy-read for If You Dare November 8-14!
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